DATE_TIME DOW AST AST_NAME S R ASTER TAX ROT ANG_ MAX_ SES R D I Mdeg Mpct STAR_NAME VMAG RMAG dMAG DURs PATH LOCATION S P S M T L W E D R C R Q F COMMENTS LINK A S _DIAM PER DIAM ANG_ A A O _ERR C A T O I O T L U S O I I T V DIAM P M T I T A O M C H E R R S S N _20 I A H R N E R V C T K 07/28/2017 05:14 Fri 160091 2000 OL67 1 0 171.1 26.4 HIP 117832 7.6 15.7 13.5 290. Missouri to Maine 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 81 Link 6 12 03/02/2017 04:02 Thu 41 Daphne 1 1 174.0 Ch 6 0.18 0.23 20 1 140.8 15.1 TYC 4922-00368-1 9.3 1.06 20.3 0.10 3 3 3 3 1 3 61 Link 05/16/2017 01:30 Tue 12 Victoria 1 112.8 L 9 0.17 0.19 5 1 88.5 77.8 HIP 64952 9.1 1.44 17.1 0.16 3 3 3 3 1 2 59 Link 11/11/2017 20:25 Sat 19 Fortuna 1 200.0 Ch 7 0.15 0.26 6 1 15.5 39.8 TYC 0825-00457-1 9.9 1.99 15.7 0.07 3 3 3 2 1 2 57 Link 06/01/2017 14:53 Thu 40 Harmonia 1 107.6 S 9 0.10 0.13 8 114.9 50.9 HIP 90631 9.7 1.00 18.9 0.25 1 3 3 3 2 2 54 Link 11/26/2017 14:43 Sun 335 Roberta 1 89.1 B 12 0.08 0.12 1 87.7 48.8 HIP 18724 3.4 9.32 7.0 0.18 1 3 3 3 2 2 54 Link 06/30/2017 12:54 Fri 324 Bamberga 1 229.4 - 29 0.37 0.39 8 88.8 44.7 HIP 88314 9.1 1.50 21.3 0.08 1 3 3 3 1 3 53 Link 08/31/2017 13:36 Thu 1 Ceres 1 974.6 C 9 0.59 0.85 20 159.7 70.0 TYC 1910-00447-1 7.9 1.34 25.3 0.05 1 3 3 3 1 3 53 Link 10/02/2017 20:38 Mon 10 Hygiea 1 407.1 C 28 0.25 0.31 5 55.6 90.3 TYC 6279-00116-1 9.7 1.59 22.8 0.11 1 3 3 3 1 3 53 Link 11/20/2017 06:06 Mon 31 Euphrosyne 1 255.9 Cb 6 0.15 0.22 2 139.2 2.8 TYC 3766-01050-1 9.1 1.89 20.9 0.11 1 3 3 3 1 3 53 Link 05/07/2017 18:07 Sun 12 Victoria 1 112.8 L 9 0.17 0.19 5 1 15.5 90.8 TYC 5550-01572-1 9.6 1.03 14.2 0.39 3 2 3 1 1 2 52 Link 09/28/2017 23:17 Thu 216 Kleopatra 1 1 124.0 Xe 5 0.10 0.15 4 16.4 58.9 TYC 5153-02209-1 9.6 2.14 13.0 0.18 2 3 3 1 1 2 51 Link 01/22/2017 01:08 Sun 39 Laetitia 1 149.5 S 5 0.06 0.14 9 84.3 31.2 TYC 0250-00203-1 9.7 1.27 19.9 0.11 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 04/01/2017 23:23 Sat 356 Liguria 1 131.3 - 32 0.07 0.16 2 97.2 30.6 TYC 4931-01104-1 9.5 2.79 11.5 0.21 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 05/12/2017 08:29 Fri 25 Phocaea 1 75.1 S 10 0.08 0.11 1 62.0 97.8 TYC 0508-00919-1 9.7 1.78 4.3 0.22 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 05/14/2017 14:55 Sun 212 Medea 1 136.1 - 10 0.08 0.1 1 146.2 88.2 HIP 42471 8.3 5.91 6.3 0.22 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 05/16/2017 20:19 Tue 386 Siegena 1 165.0 C 10 0.08 0.15 6 153.0 71.8 TYC 0832-00644-1 9.9 3.48 14.3 0.13 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 06/23/2017 09:16 Fri 602 Marianna 1 124.7 - 30 0.11 0.13 1 142.6 1.0 HIP 97546 7.3 5.37 12.8 0.25 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 08/13/2017 19:46 Sun 25 Phocaea 1 75.1 S 10 0.08 0.11 1 83.6 64.6 TYC 2160-00253-1 9.2 1.20 14.3 0.17 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 08/29/2017 18:31 Tue 59 Elpis 1 164.8 B 14 0.14 0.16 2 173.4 54.6 HIP 23939 8.0 4.89 8.6 0.12 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 11/09/2017 22:13 Thu 712 Boliviana 1 127.6 X 12 0.10 0.15 7 137.0 61.2 TYC 0575-00949-1 9.9 2.46 16.5 0.19 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 12/08/2017 17:47 Fri 141 Lumen 1 131.0 Ch 20 0.11 0.16 1 60.0 67.6 TYC 2915-01956-1 9.8 1.90 14.4 0.14 1 3 3 3 1 2 51 Link 09/29/2017 16:46 Fri 20 Massalia 1 145.5 S 8 0.10 0.18 7 152.4 64.8 TYC 1861-01582-1 9.0 1.65 9.4 0.11 2 1 3 3 3 2 51 Link 12/01/2017 11:36 Fri 405 Thia 1 124.9 Ch 10 0.10 0.18 4 27.8 92.6 HIP 19361 7.1 5.37 7.5 0.29 1 3 3 1 2 2 50 Link 03/23/2017 20:41 Thu 1 Ceres 1 974.6 C 9 0.59 0.85 20 96.5 20.9 TYC 0647-00586-1 9.6 0.53 24.7 0.03 1 3 2 3 1 3 50 Link 08/19/2017 10:04 Sat 10 Hygiea 1 407.1 C 28 0.25 0.31 5 156.4 7.1 TYC 6843-02322-1 10.0 0.91 324. 0.19 1 3 2 3 1 3 50 Link 9 04/01/2017 19:52 Sat 80806 2000 CM105 1 0 79.8 29.2 TYC 0842-00193-1 9.9 13.0 12.1 1649 2 1 3 3 2 49 Link 6 .04 01/13/2017 04:04 Fri 63 Ausonia 1 103.1 Sa 9 0.07 0.13 1 78.0 99.2 TYC 5540-00357-1 10.0 2.26 4.9 0.41 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 03/03/2017 16:52 Fri 36 Atalante 1 105.6 - 10 0.11 0.13 3 154.5 30.5 TYC 6125-00047-1 9.9 4.07 10.3 0.87 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 03/22/2017 15:48 Wed 175 Andromache 1 101.2 Cg 8 0.06 0.1 1 133.3 30.9 HIP 20533 6.3 8.10 3.4 0.44 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link DATE_TIME DOW AST AST_NAME S R ASTER TAX ROT ANG_ MAX_ SES R D I Mdeg Mpct STAR_NAME VMAG RMAG dMAG DURs PATH LOCATION S P S M T L W E D R C R Q F COMMENTS LINK A S _DIAM PER DIAM ANG_ A A O _ERR C A T O I O T L U S O I I T V DIAM P M T I T A O M C H E R R S S N _20 I A H R N E R V C T K 07/13/2017 12:38 Thu 37 Fides 1 108.3 S 7 0.10 0.12 4 95.9 82.4 TYC 6784-00717-1 9.2 2.82 19.0 0.73 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 07/27/2017 16:58 Thu 476 Hedwig 1 116.8 X 27 0.08 0.11 3 93.4 22.6 TYC 6844-00458-1 7.9 4.22 18.0 0.48 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 07/27/2017 18:42 Thu 69 Hesperia 1 138.1 X 6 0.08 0.13 3 105.4 23.4 TYC 5712-00497-1 9.7 2.60 9.6 0.40 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 08/19/2017 05:47 Sat 35 Leukothea 1 103.1 C 32 0.06 0.11 1 140.4 8.7 TYC 6378-00889-1 9.5 3.51 7.9 0.81 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 09/08/2017 10:45 Fri 84 Klio 1 79.2 Ch 24 0.08 0.13 3 134.8 94.4 HIP 75716 9.4 4.52 2.9 0.67 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 09/24/2017 18:04 Sun 895 Helio 1 141.9 B 9 0.09 0.11 2 139.4 20.8 TYC 2825-01134-1 9.7 3.43 16.6 0.30 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 10/02/2017 19:06 Mon 626 Notburga 1 100.7 Xc 19 0.12 0.14 2 113.0 89.7 TYC 3754-00188-1 9.5 3.32 4.5 0.30 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 11/07/2017 23:10 Tue 128 Nemesis 1 188.2 C 39 0.14 0.18 2 152.7 81.2 HIP 100611 9.5 3.19 5.7 0.37 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 11/17/2017 07:57 Fri 914 Palisana 1 76.6 - 16 0.09 0.11 2 73.7 1.5 TYC 5474-01072-1 9.8 4.63 4.6 0.33 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 11/27/2017 05:28 Mon 200 Dynamene 1 128.4 Ch 37 0.08 0.13 2 146.7 55.1 TYC 5528-00392-1 8.9 5.17 3.9 0.51 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 11/28/2017 22:09 Tue 345 Tercidina 1 94.1 Ch 12 0.07 0.11 1 166.6 72.6 TYC 4936-00759-1 9.5 4.11 3.8 0.31 1 2 3 3 1 2 48 Link 09/11/2017 23:58 Mon 626 Notburga 1 100.7 Xc 19 0.12 0.14 2 37.5 65.1 HIP 24083 9.7 3.32 3.4 0.31 1 2 3 1 2 2 47 Link 04/03/2017 22:41 Mon 266 Aline 1 109.1 Ch 13 0.09 0.11 3 25.3 52.8 TYC 0214-00158-1 9.9 4.13 14.3 0.26 1 3 3 1 1 2 47 Link 04/07/2017 11:45 Fri 200 Dynamene 1 128.4 Ch 37 0.08 0.13 2 46.1 85.7 TYC 1896-00839-1 9.6 3.85 7.3 0.21 1 3 3 1 1 2 47 Link 12/03/2017 04:50 Sun 141 Lumen 1 131.0 Ch 20 0.11 0.16 1 32.1 99.6 HIP 27893 8.1 3.52 15.8 0.15 1 3 3 1 1 2 47 Link 08/31/2017 20:24 Thu 164 Eva 1 104.9 X 14 0.07 0.16 2 32.5 73.4 TYC 6792-01073-1 9.6 3.96 8.0 0.80 1 2 3 1 1 2 44 Link 10/02/2017 23:30 Mon 53 Kalypso 1 115.4 - 9 0.07 0.14 2 26.3 91.2 TYC 4667-00988-1 9.6 2.60 9.2 0.46 1 2 3 1 1 2 44 Link 12/06/2017 22:39 Wed 51 Nemausa 1 147.9 Ch 8 0.14 0.17 6 38.4 84.9 HIP 51317 9.7 2.27 11.1 0.46 1 2 3 1 1 2 44 Link 12/20/2017 05:25 Wed 8 Flora 1 135.9 - 13 0.19 0.21 4 1 177.2 3.1 TYC 1353-00187-1 10.0 0.26 23.0 0.07 3 3 0 3 1 3 26 Link 04/05/2017 13:11 Wed 360 Carlova 1 115.8 C 6 0.07 0.1 6 35.9 68.6 TYC 1321-00769-1 10.0 3.82 4.7 0.20 1 3 3 0 1 2 23 Link 11/12/2017 14:04 Sun 20 Massalia 1 145.5 S 8 0.10 0.18 7 70.8 31.2 TYC 1864-01788-1 10.0 0.49 78.0 0.09 1 3 0 3 1 3 22 Link 10/25/2017 05:05 Wed 410 Chloris 1 Ch 33 0.16 0 135.3 25.0 TYC 1405-00092-1 9.4 5.01 4.9 0.34 0 2 3 3 1 2 22 Link 12/21/2017 12:27 Thu 980 Anacostia 1 L 20 0.1 0 141.2 9.1 TYC 2405-01295-1 9.9 1.74 5.8 0.31 0 2 3 3 1 2 22 Link 03/03/2017 11:43 Fri 14 Irene 1 S 15 0.18 0 102.3 27.4 HIP 50582 9.2 0.68 18.1 0.15 0 3 2 3 1 2 22 Link Version 00 contains Steve Preston's occultations that meet the following criteria: - Dates are in 2017. - All asteroids either have a satellite or are resolvable or are USA lower-science events. Three versions of the occultation table are provided: - US-only (occult_us_v10.html) - non-US (occult_non_us_v10.html) - all (occult_v10.html) Date-sorted versions of all three tables are also provided. In addition, non-html versions of the raw data are provided for import into Excel (drop ".html" from the filenames). Each table contains the following fields: DATE_TIME Date and time of the occultation in UNITY date format (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM) DOW: Day Of the Week (first three letters, i.e. Sun, Mon, Tue...) in London (GMT). Note that nights are split into Sun/Mon, Mon/Tue, etc... AST: Asteroid number AST_NAME: Asteroid name SAT: 1 = Asteroid has a satellite 0 = no satellite RSV: 1 = Asteroid is resolvable with AO 0 = Asteroid is not resolvable with AO ASTER_DIAM: From Horizons, the asteroid's diameter (units = KM) SPECTYPE From PDS, taxonomy from Bus/Binzel 2002 SMASSII survey. ROTPER From the IAU Minor Planet Center Lightcurve Database, the asteroid's rotational period (units = hours). ANG_DIAM: From Horizons, the asteroid's angular diameter (units = arcseconds) SES: The number of times we have observed this asteroid. (note: some sessions may not be useful due to weather, other sessions may be part of RAP, Resolved Asteroid Program) RAP: The number of potential Resolved Asteroid Program sessions (note - some RAP sessions may not be useful). DAMI: "1" indicates the asteroid is on the DAMIT mass priority list. IOTA: "1" indicates the asteroid is on the IOTA modeling priority list. Mdeg: From Horizons, the target-observer-Moon angle (lunar elongation, units = degrees). Mpct: From Horizons, the Moon's illumination (phase, units = percent). STAR_NAME: Star Name. VMAG: Star visual magnitude verified in UCAC4 (Vmag, used for evaluation only if RMAG field is empty). RMAG: Star Red magnitude (rmag) from UCAC4 via VizieR site. dMAG: Drop in star magnitude due to the occultation. DURs: How long the occultation will last, approximately (units = seconds) PATH_ERR: Path/track error offset (units = track widths) LOCATION: Significant land masses where the occultation can be viewed SCI: Second crude attempt at a SwRI prioritization (this may still change later): 3 = RAP (even if the number of prior RAP sessions = 0) 2 = non-RAP but is Trojan or has satellite 1 = No trojan or satellite or RAP, and has been observed before (SES > 0) 0 = No trojan or satellite or RAP, and has not been observed before (SES = 0) PATH: A grading of the path quality based upon path-widths of error (PATH_ERR): 3 = PATH_ERR < 0.3 2 = 0.3 < PATH_ERR < 1.0 1 = PATH_ERR > 1.0 Note: A poor rating could mean that better astrometry is needed. STAR: Star quality approximation: 3 = Bright star (MAG < 10.5), good mag drop (dMAG > 0.5), normal star 2 = Either the MAG or dMAG is iffy (10.5 < MAG < 11.5, 0.5 < dMAG < 1.0) 1 = Both the MAG and dMAG are iffy (10.5 < MAG < 11.5, 0.5 < dMAG < 1.0) 0 = MAG is bad (>11.5), dMAG is bad (<0.5), or double star (currently we don't down-weight other star issues) MOON: Moon quality approximation (note - some values may need adjustment): 3 = Star's lunar elongation > 50 degrees 2 = Elongation < 50 degrees, but dim Moon (Mpct < 50) or bright star (MAG < 10) 1 = Elongation < 50 degrees, but bright Moon (Mpct > 50) or dim star (MAG > 10) 0 = Elongation < 50 degrees, bright Moon (Mpct > 50) and dim star (MAG > 10) SUN: Subjective rating of dusk/dawn at the best observing location 3 = dark 2 = within 3 hrs of sunset or 1 hr of sunrise 1 = twilight conditions 0 = daylight, forget it LOC: Subjective rating of LOCATION: 3 = Visible from continental USA or Europe 2 = Visible from another location that is somewhat accessible 1 = Visible from a poor-access location 0 = forget about it, only the dolphins will view this one WTHR: Subjective rating of seasonal weather at the best observing site: 3 = No weather issues foreseen 2 = Iffy weather, perhaps a cold winter location or dusty in the summer 1 = Severe weather concerns, or concerns due to minimal locations (i.e. FLA-only) ELEV: Subjective rating of elevation at the best observing site: 3 = Greater than ~45 degrees 2 = Between ~15 and ~45 degrees 1 = Less than ~15 degrees DUR: Occultation duration: 3 = DURs > 20.0 2 = 1.0 < DURs < 20.0 1 = 0.5 < DURs < 1.0 0 = DURs < 0.5 RSRC: Subjective rating of our ability to deploy sufficient resources (3=good, 1=poor) COST: Subjective rating of the relative cost of the observations (3=best, 1=expensive) RISK: Subjective rating of our odds of success (3=good, 0=no_way) Q: Sorting field, currently (LQ+PRI+SQ+MQ)*8, can be set by hand FIN: Finalist selections by SwRI, based on all known criteria (above). y = yes, this is a good finalist candidate ? = maybe, this might be a finalist pending more analysis n = no, this occultation won't work COMMENTS: Comments LINK: Hypertext link to the occultation event page on Steve Preston's website _: Always blank