Copernicus D=96 km Center: 10°N, 340°E Floor Area = 2132 km^2 Observed Density (@ 1km): 1000 ± 700 Simone's Age: 1.0 ± 0.2 Fit Density (@ 1km): 1200 ± 300 PF fit: good* - limited data, small number statistics, large error Stoffler epoch: Eratosthenian Age Calculation Notes: OK fit, but errors are large (MRK) USGS geology: All mapped as Copernican crater material. Wilhelms: Copernican Floor material: Best guess is original. Geology Observations: Ejecta blanket visible, along with bright rays and secondary fields. Rim still sharp. Small central peak - more like a cluster. Floor is mostly flat with small hummocks. Some secondaries measured in center and east side (up to 0.8 km in size). Cause uncertainty in distribution for D < 0.8 km. Sitting on mare. SFD Observations: Dominated by all classes within error - class 1 and 4 only at large D, class 3 only at small D. Flat to steep distribution. Differential slope not calculated - only two points. Additional Note: Data is too poor to really use ~1 km craters for measuring the age and SFD of Copernicus. Not included in data set. Also examined by Baldwin (1985), Neukum & Konig (1976), McEwen et al. (1993), Hiesinger et al. (2012) Baldwin: density = 2000 ± 90, age = 0.834 ± 0.069 Ga (area = 5803 km^2, likely ejecta) Neukum: density = 900 (floor) McEwen: density = 1300, age = 1.5 Ga (?) Hiesinger: density = 668, age = 0.797 ± 0.052 Ga (area = 121 km^2, ejecta) Last Edited by MRK 1/8/2014