Fabricius D=79 km Center: 43°S, 42°E Floor Area = 792 km^2 Observed Density (@ 1km): 4500 ± 2300 Simone's Age: 2.2 ± 0.3 (+sec: 3.3) Stoffler epoch: Eratosthenian Fit Density (@ 1km): 2800 ± 400 PF fit: OK Age Calculation Notes: Fit is decent. Error bars are a little large. Middle bins falls somewhat above the MPF. Used Melosh gravity. USGS geology: Imbrian Wilhelms: Eratosthenian Floor material: Deep crater, but small peak. Hummocky and some cracks on smoother areas. Likely original. Geology Observations: Ejecta blanket visible, but has a little erosion. Rim looks slightly eroded. Small central peak. Large collapse on north side of crater, may be caused by formation on a larger, older crater. A few secondary chains/clusters identified. All under 1 km. Formed on highlands, perhaps on Nectaris ejecta. Surrounded by filled craters. SFD Observations: Flat shape. Dominated by classes 1 (large) and 4 (small). Slope(Diff)=-3.2 ± 0.2 Secondaries shape similar within error. Slope not calculated - only two points. Last Edited by MRK 1/9/2014