Kirkwood D=68 km Center: 68°N, 203°E Count Area: 235 km^2 Observed Density (@ 1km): 5000 ± 4500 Age: 2.8 ± 0.5 Stoffler epoch: Eratosthenian Fit Density (@ 1km): 3600 ± 600 PF fit: OK Computing Age Notes: Data and MPF match well, but there on only 3 data points and they have large error bars. Used Melosh gravity scaling. USGS geology: Eratosthenian Wilhelms: Eratosthenian Floor material: Crater is deep. Peak is composed of small, eroded hills. Most of floor hummocky, but there is a small smooth area (counted). Likely a melt pool. Floor likely original. Geology Observations: Ejecta blanket visible, but no rays. Rim is sharp. Don't see any collapses. Only one small (D ~ 300 m) secondary crater observed. Formed in highlands. Some craters around look partially filled. Older work thought fill was Imbrium ejecta. SFD Observations: Dominated by class 4 (small craters) and class 1 (large craters). Steeper distribution. Classes have similar shape. Slope(Diff)=-5.8 ± 2.9 Last Edited by MRK 1/10/2014