Moretus D=115 km Center: 71°S, 354°E Count Area: 2786 km^2 Observed Density (@ 1km): 19500 ± 2650 Age: ± (+sec: ) Stoffler epoch: Fit Density (@ 1km): ± PF fit: Age calculation notes: USGS geology: Eratosthenian Wilhelms: Eratosthenian Floor material: Crater seems a little less deep, but no more shallow than Hausen. Large peak that appears fresh. Most is smooth with small hummocks. Concentration of hummocks on west side - avoided. Best guess is original and impact melt. Geology Observations: Ejecta blanket visible, but eroded and no rays observed in WAC. Rim sharp in places, eroded in others. Formed on rim of older crater to north. Several secondary chains/clusters with large secondaries up to 2 km in size. These secondaries are also associated with bright streaks from north(?). SFD Observations: Dominated by class 3. Class 4 is steeper. Classes 1 and 2 are flatter. Steep then shallow. A shallow "right ear" (one point with four craters). Slope(Diff)=-4.8 ± 0.2 Secondaries are shallower. Slope(sec)=-1.6 ± 0.7 Last Edited by MRK 1/13/2014