Morse D=73 km Center: 22¡N, 185¡E Count Area: 1156 km^2 Observed Density (@ 1km): 7800 ± 2600 Age: 3.5 ± 0.2 (+sec: 3.6) Stoffler epoch: Late Imbrian Fit Density (@ 1km): 5300 ± 1200 PF fit: OK Age calculation notes: Plenty of data, but several points ~ 1 km fall above the MPF. Smaller craters fall slightly below. Including secondaries does not improve fit. Used Melosh gravity scaling. USGS geology: Eratosthenian Wilhelms: Eratosthenian Floor material: Small peak that is cluster of hills, eroded. Some crater depth lost? Floor mostly hummocky. Near some larger, younger craters - Maybe partially filled by their ejecta - Age not consistent with that. Best guess is original. Floor appearance matches rest of crater erosion-wise. Geology Observations: Ejecta blanket hardly visible, very eroded. Rim is slightly eroded. A possible wall collapse on northern portion (excluded). Formed in highlands. A few secondary chains/clusters with moderated sized craters (up to ~ 2 km) of various degradation states. SFD Observations: Distribution is flat. Class 4 dominates (secondaries?). Class shapes are similar within error. Slope(Diff)=-3.1 ± 0.6 Secondaries have similar shape to slightly steeper. Slope(sec)=-3.7 ± 0.6 Last Edited by MRK 1/10/2014