Sharonov D=75 km Center: 12¡N, 173¡E Count Area = 864 km^2 Density (@ 1km): 2400 ± 1700 Simone's Age: 2.2 ± 0.3 Fit density (@ 1km): 2800 ± 400 PF fit: good Stoffler epoch: Eratosthenian Age calculation notes: minimum number of data points to have a nice fit, but they do fit well. uses Melosh gravity scaling. USGS geology: Crater mapped as Copernican Wilhelms: Copernican Floor material: Best guess is original. Geology Observations: See ejecta, but no bright rays (in WAC). Rim still sharp. Couple of regions of wall collapse at 12:00 and 5:00 positions. Hummocky floor with areas of smooth terrain. Low peak, but is spread out. SFD Observations: SFD is steep, but larger D do become shallower. Small craters (< 0.9 km) dominated by classes 3 & 4. Large craters dominated by classes 1 & 2. Fresh secondaries identified (up to ~ 1 km). Slope for secondaries not computed - only two points. Slope(Diff)=-7.2 ± 3.8 Last Edited by MRK 1/9/2014