Taruntius D=57 km Center: 6¡N, 47¡E Count Area = 571 km^2 Density (@ 1km): 9000 ± 4400 Simone's Age: 3.8 ± 0.1 Fit density (@ 1km): 11600 ± 900 PF fit: excellent Stoffler epoch: Early Imbrian Age calculation notes: Data is fit very well by the MPF. Used Melosh gravity scaling law. USGS geology: Crater mapped as Copernican. Two regions - smooth and hummocky. Wilhelms: Copernican Floor material: Best guess is original. Geology Observations: See ejecta, and a few brightish rays, mostly to south. Rim somewhat eroded - larger crater superposed in 11:00 position. Area of darker material - don't know if different aged unit or not - crater density doesn't appear very different. Wall has generally collapse making floor area small. Fractures on wall associated with collapse. Small, low, weathered peak. SFD Observations: SFD is steep, but larger D do perhaps(?) become shallower. Small craters (< 1 km) dominated by class 3. Large craters dominated by classes 2 & 4. Degraded secondaries identified (up to ~ 1.1 km). Secondaries have SFD that corresponds to "primaries". Slope(Diff)=-4.7 ± 0.6 & Slope(sec)=-6.1 ± 1.7 Last Edited by MRK 1/9/2014