Tycho D=86 km Center: 43¡S, 348¡E Area: 1185 km^2 Density (@ 1km): 900 ± 900 Simone's Age: 0.7 ± 0.2 Fit density (@ 1km): 900 ± 300 PF fit: OK, large error bars, few data points Stoffler epoch: Copernican Age calculation notes: - OK, large error bars, few data points - will not use for this work - 1 km craters too big, need smaller craters to get sufficient numbers USGS geology: Crater mapped as Copernican. Floor mapped as two copernican units - smooth and hummocky Wilhelms: Copernican Floor material: Best guess is original. One of youngest large craters on Moon. Geology Observations: See ejecta, which is bright, and has rays. Little evidence of modification except a few wall collapses. SFD Observations: No craters > 1.3 km. No secondaries identified. No class 1 craters identified. 2, 3, and 4 equally contribute. SFD is flat (but only two points - another reason not to included this crater. Differential slope not calculated with only two points. Ages also reported by Baldwin (1985), Neukum & Konig (1976), and Hiesinger et al. (2012) Baldwin: density = 600 ± 100, age = 0.138 ± 0.024 (area = 3155 km^2 - likely ejecta) Neukum: density = 80, age = 0.1 (ejecta) Hiesinger: 124 ± 12 Ma (ejecta) Last Edited by MRK 1/8/2014