* * Help is in the end of this script * function color( args ) _version = '0.07r2' if( args = '' ) help() return endif ***** Default value ***** gxout = 'shaded' kind = 'blue->white->red' sample = 0 var = 'none' min = 'none' max = 'none' int = 'none' * div = 10 div = 25 levs = '' xcbar = 'none' retflag= 0 ***** Arguement ***** i = 1 while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) i = i + 1; if( arg = '' ); break; endif while( 1 ) *** option if( arg = '-gxout' ) ; gxout=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-kind' ) ; kind=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-div' ) ; div=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-sample' ); sample=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-ret' ) ; retflag=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-var' ) ; var=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-levs' ) while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) if( valnum(arg) = 0 ) ; break ; endif levs = levs % ' ' % arg i = i + 1 endwhile break endif *** int, max, min if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max = 'none' ) max = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min = 'none' ) min = arg break endif if( arg = '-xcbar' ) xcbar = '' break endif say 'syntax error: 'arg return endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) ; break; endif endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) start = 0 end = math_strlen( args ) * order of the word word = 0 * previous character (0:space 1:word) pre = 0 while( start < end ) start = start + 1 c = substr( args, start, 1 ) if( c != ' ' & pre = 0 ) word = word + 1 pre = 1 else if( c = ' ' & pre = 1 ) pre = 0 endif endif if( word = i ) ; break; endif endwhile xcbar = substr( args, start, end-start+1 ) endif ***** Parameter adjust ***** *** var -> min, max, int if( var != 'none' & ( min = 'none' | max = 'none' ) ) * get min & max value of the variable i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) 'q dims' line = sublin( result, i+1 ) name.i = subwrd( line, 1 ) type.i = subwrd( line, 3 ) if( type.i = 'varying' ) min.i = subwrd( line, 11 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 13 ) else min.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) endif i = i + 1 endwhile j = 1 while( j <= 2 ) head.j = '' tail.j = '' i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) if( j = 1 ) ; head.j = 'min( ' % head.j else ; head.j = 'max( ' % head.j ; endif tail.j = tail.j % ', ' % name.i % '=' % min.i % ', ' % name.i % '=' max.i % ' )' i = i + 1 endwhile 'd 'head.j' 'var' 'tail.j i = 1 while( 1 ) line = sublin( result, i ) word = subwrd( line, 1 ) if( word = 'Result' ) ; break ; endif if( word = '' ) ; exit ; endif i = i + 1 endwhile val = subwrd( line, 4 ) * say val if( j = 1 ) ; minval = val else ; maxval = val ; endif j = j + 1 endwhile if( minval = maxval ) say 'Constant Field: ' % minval exit endif * determine contour interval following gagx.c, L5066 * rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 10.0 rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 20.0 w2 = math_int( math_log10( rdif ) ) w1 = math_pow( 10.0, w2 ) norml = rdif / w1 int = 0.0 if( int = 0.0 & norml >= 1.0 & norml <= 1.5 ) ; int = 1.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 1.5 & norml <= 2.5 ) ; int = 2.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 2.5 & norml <= 3.5 ) ; int = 3.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 3.5 & norml <= 7.5 ) ; int = 5.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 ) ; int = 10.0 ; endif int = int * w1 min = int * math_int( minval / int + 1.0 ) max = int * math_int( maxval / int ) say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** min, max -> int if( min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = ( max - min ) / div say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** special kind * if( kind = 'bluered' ); kind='blue->white->red'; endif * if( kind = 'rainbow' ); kind='blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red'; endif * if( kind = 'redblue' ); kind='red->white->blue'; endif * if( kind = 'grainbow' ); kind='(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)'; endif * replace special kind kind = spcol( kind ) ***** Parameter check ***** if( ( valnum(min)=0 | valnum(max)=0 | valnum(int)=0 ) & levs='' ) say 'error in colog.gs: cannot determine color levels' return endif if( valnum(min)!=0 & valnum(max)!=0 & valnum(int)!=0 & levs!='' ) say 'error in color.gs: multiple definition of color levels' return endif *** gxout if( gxout != 'shaded' & gxout != 'contour' & gxout != 'grfill') say 'error in color.gs: 'gxout' not supported !' return endif ***** Calculate levels ***** if( levs = '' ) *** get levs & colnum value = min colnum = 0 levs = '' while( value <= max ) levs = levs % ' ' % value value = value + int colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile else *** get colnum colnum = 0 while( subwrd(levs,colnum+1) != '' ) colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile endif *** get cols i = 1 cols = '' while( i <= colnum ) cols = cols % ' ' % (i+15) i = i + 1 endwhile **** one more color if gxout=shaded if( gxout = 'shaded' | gxout = 'grfill' ) colnum = colnum + 1 cols = cols % ' ' % (colnum+15) endif ***** Set levs/cols ***** 'set gxout 'gxout 'set clevs 'levs 'set ccols 'cols say 'clevs='levs say 'ccols='cols if( retflag = 1 ) ret = 'clevs ' % levs ret = ret % ' ccols ' % cols endif ret = ret % ' rgb ' ***** Define colors ***** *** analyze -kind * max : number of color listed in -kind. * ncol.i : number of color between col.i and col.(i+1) * 0 if no color exists between the two colors. * -1 if not specified (automatic). i = 1 max = -999 while( max != i-2 ) col.i = getcol( kind,i ) * say i % ': ' % col.i if( col.i = '' ) max = i - 1 else * get ncol.i if specified ncol.i = -1 l = math_strlen( col.i ) if( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) = ')' ) ncol.i = '' l = l - 1 while( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) != '(' & l > 1 ) ncol.i = substr( col.i, l, 1 ) % ncol.i l = l - 1 endwhile if( l = 1 ) ncol.i = -1 else col.i = substr( col.i, 1, l-2 ) endif endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile *** define color max_ncol = max colnum_ncol = 0 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) * say colnum_ncol if( ncol.i >= 0 ) max_ncol = max_ncol - 1 colnum_ncol = colnum_ncol + ncol.i + 1 endif i = i + 1 endwhile * say colnum i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) if( ncol.i < 0 ) * ncol.i = (colnum-1) / (max-1.0)-1 ncol.i = (colnum-colnum_ncol-1) / (max_ncol-1.0)-1 endif * say i % ' ' % ncol.i i = i + 1 endwhile enum = 16 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) ipp = i + 1 scol = col.i ecol = col.ipp snum = enum enum = snum + ncol.i + 1 if( i = max - 1 ) ; enum = 16 + colnum - 1 ; endif * say 'i=' % i * say snum' 'enum rgb = defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) ret = ret % rgb % ' ' i = i + 1 endwhile ***** display color sample ***** if( sample = 1 ) i = 0 dx = 11.0 / colnum while( i < colnum ) 'set line 'i+16 'draw recf 'i*dx' 4 'i*dx+dx' 5' i = i + 1 endwhile endif ***** run xcbar.gs ***** if( xcbar != 'none' ) levcol = '' if( levs = '' ) i = 1 value = min while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % value value = value + int i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) else i = 1 while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % subwrd(levs,i) i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) endif say ' -> xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol 'xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol endif if( retflag = 1 ) return ret endif return ********************************************** * * replace special color in -kind * * kind : -kind parameter * ********************************************** function spcol( kind ) length = math_strlen( kind ); i = 1 kind2 = '' coltemp = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' | c%c2 = '-(' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' | i = length ) if( i = length ) ; coltemp = coltemp % c ; c = '' ; endif if( coltemp = 'bluered' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->white->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'rainbow' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'redblue' ) ; coltemp = 'red->white->blue' ; endif if( coltemp = 'grainbow') ; coltemp = '(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)' ; endif kind2 = kind2 % coltemp % c coltemp = '' else coltemp = coltemp % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile say kind2 return ( kind2 ) ********************************************** * * get color from -kind parameters * * kind : -kind parameter * num : order * ********************************************** function getcol( kind, num ) ret = '' length = math_strlen( kind ); order = 1 i = 1 while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' ); order=order+1; i=i+1; else if( order = num ); ret=ret%c; endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile return ( ret ) ********************************************** * * define color * * snum : start color number * scol : start color name * enum : end color number * ecol : end color name * ********************************************** function defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) * say snum'('scol') -> 'enum'('ecol')' diff = enum - snum * if( diff < 1.0 ) if( diff <= 0.0 ) return endif *** set start & end color (rgb) sr = colornum( scol, 'r' ) sg = colornum( scol, 'g' ) sb = colornum( scol, 'b' ) er = colornum( ecol, 'r' ) eg = colornum( ecol, 'g' ) eb = colornum( ecol, 'b' ) *** set initial color number (integer) * e.g., * i=16 -> 16 * i=16.5 -> 17 * i=16.9 -> 17 * i = math_int( snum ) * if( i != 16 ) if( snum != 16 ) i = i + 1 endif * if( i != snum ) * i = i + 1 * endif *** set color ret = '' while( i <= enum ) r = math_nint( sr + (er-sr) * (i-snum) / diff ) g = math_nint( sg + (eg-sg) * (i-snum) / diff ) b = math_nint( sb + (eb-sb) * (i-snum) / diff ) * say i' r='r' g='g' b='b 'set rgb 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b ret = ret' 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b i = i + 1 endwhile return ret ********************************************** * * color -> rgb value table * * color : color name * rgb : "r" or "g" or "b" * * return : rgb value * ********************************************** function colornum( color, rgb ) r=-1; g=-1; b=-1 *** define rgb value if( color = 'black') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'navy') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'blue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkgreen') ; r=0 ; g=100 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'green') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'teal') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkcyan') ; r=0 ; g=139 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'deepskyblue') ; r=0 ; g=191 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkturquoise') ; r=0 ; g=206 ; b=209 ; endif if( color = 'mediumspringgreen') ; r=0 ; g=250 ; b=154 ; endif if( color = 'lime') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'springgreen') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=127 ; endif if( color = 'aqua') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'cyan') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'midnightblue') ; r=25 ; g=25 ; b=112 ; endif if( color = 'dodgerblue') ; r=30 ; g=144 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lightseagreen') ; r=32 ; g=178 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'forestgreen') ; r=34 ; g=139 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'seagreen') ; r=46 ; g=139 ; b=87 ; endif if( color = 'darkslategray') ; r=47 ; g=79 ; b=79 ; endif if( color = 'limegreen') ; r=50 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'mediumseagreen') ; r=60 ; g=179 ; b=113 ; endif if( color = 'turquoise') ; r=64 ; g=224 ; b=208 ; endif if( color = 'royalblue') ; r=65 ; g=105 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'steelblue') ; r=70 ; g=130 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'darkslateblue') ; r=72 ; g=61 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumturquoise') ; r=72 ; g=209 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'indigo') ; r=75 ; g=0 ; b=130 ; endif if( color = 'darkolivegreen') ; r=85 ; g=107 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'cadetblue') ; r=95 ; g=158 ; b=160 ; endif if( color = 'cornflowerblue') ; r=100 ; g=149 ; b=237 ; endif if( color = 'mediumaquamarine') ; r=102 ; g=205 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'dimgray') ; r=105 ; g=105 ; b=105 ; endif if( color = 'slateblue') ; r=106 ; g=90 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'olivedrab') ; r=107 ; g=142 ; b=35 ; endif if( color = 'slategray') ; r=112 ; g=128 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'lightslategray') ; r=119 ; g=136 ; b=153 ; endif if( color = 'mediumslateblue') ; r=123 ; g=104 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lawngreen') ; r=124 ; g=252 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'chartreuse') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'aquamarine') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=212 ; endif if( color = 'maroon') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'purple') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'olive') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'gray') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'skyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=235 ; endif if( color = 'lightskyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'blueviolet') ; r=138 ; g=43 ; b=226 ; endif if( color = 'darkred') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'darkmagenta') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'saddlebrown') ; r=139 ; g=69 ; b=19 ; endif if( color = 'darkseagreen') ; r=143 ; g=188 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'lightgreen') ; r=144 ; g=238 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'mediumpurple') ; r=147 ; g=112 ; b=219 ; endif if( color = 'darkviolet') ; r=148 ; g=0 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'palegreen') ; r=152 ; g=251 ; b=152 ; endif if( color = 'darkorchid') ; r=153 ; g=50 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'yellowgreen') ; r=154 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'sienna') ; r=160 ; g=82 ; b=45 ; endif if( color = 'brown') ; r=165 ; g=42 ; b=42 ; endif if( color = 'darkgray') ; r=169 ; g=169 ; b=169 ; endif if( color = 'lightblue') ; r=173 ; g=216 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'greenyellow') ; r=173 ; g=255 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'paleturquoise') ; r=175 ; g=238 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lightsteelblue') ; r=176 ; g=196 ; b=222 ; endif if( color = 'powderblue') ; r=176 ; g=224 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'firebrick') ; r=178 ; g=34 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'darkgoldenrod') ; r=184 ; g=134 ; b=11 ; endif if( color = 'mediumorchid') ; r=186 ; g=85 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'rosybrown') ; r=188 ; g=143 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'darkkhaki') ; r=189 ; g=183 ; b=107 ; endif if( color = 'silver') ; r=192 ; g=192 ; b=192 ; endif if( color = 'mediumvioletred') ; r=199 ; g=21 ; b=133 ; endif if( color = 'indianred') ; r=205 ; g=92 ; b=92 ; endif if( color = 'peru') ; r=205 ; g=133 ; b=63 ; endif if( color = 'chocolate') ; r=210 ; g=105 ; b=30 ; endif if( color = 'tan') ; r=210 ; g=180 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'lightgray') ; r=211 ; g=211 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'thistle') ; r=216 ; g=191 ; b=216 ; endif if( color = 'orchid') ; r=218 ; g=112 ; b=214 ; endif if( color = 'goldenrod') ; r=218 ; g=165 ; b=32 ; endif if( color = 'palevioletred') ; r=219 ; g=112 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'crimson') ; r=220 ; g=20 ; b=60 ; endif if( color = 'gainsboro') ; r=220 ; g=220 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'plum') ; r=221 ; g=160 ; b=221 ; endif if( color = 'burlywood') ; r=222 ; g=184 ; b=135 ; endif if( color = 'lightcyan') ; r=224 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lavender') ; r=230 ; g=230 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'darksalmon') ; r=233 ; g=150 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'violet') ; r=238 ; g=130 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'palegoldenrod') ; r=238 ; g=232 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'lightcoral') ; r=240 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'khaki') ; r=240 ; g=230 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'aliceblue') ; r=240 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'honeydew') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'azure') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'sandybrown') ; r=244 ; g=164 ; b=96 ; endif if( color = 'wheat') ; r=245 ; g=222 ; b=179 ; endif if( color = 'beige') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'whitesmoke') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'mintcream') ; r=245 ; g=255 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'ghostwhite') ; r=248 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'salmon') ; r=250 ; g=128 ; b=114 ; endif if( color = 'antiquewhite') ; r=250 ; g=235 ; b=215 ; endif if( color = 'linen') ; r=250 ; g=240 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow') ; r=250 ; g=250 ; b=210 ; endif if( color = 'oldlace') ; r=253 ; g=245 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'red') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'fuchsia') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'magenta') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'deeppink') ; r=255 ; g=20 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'orangered') ; r=255 ; g=69 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'tomato') ; r=255 ; g=99 ; b=71 ; endif if( color = 'hotpink') ; r=255 ; g=105 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'coral') ; r=255 ; g=127 ; b=80 ; endif if( color = 'darkorange') ; r=255 ; g=140 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightsalmon') ; r=255 ; g=160 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'orange') ; r=255 ; g=165 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightpink') ; r=255 ; g=182 ; b=193 ; endif if( color = 'pink') ; r=255 ; g=192 ; b=203 ; endif if( color = 'gold') ; r=255 ; g=215 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'peachpuff') ; r=255 ; g=218 ; b=185 ; endif if( color = 'navajowhite') ; r=255 ; g=222 ; b=173 ; endif if( color = 'moccasin') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=181 ; endif if( color = 'bisque') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=196 ; endif if( color = 'mistyrose') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'blanchedalmond') ; r=255 ; g=235 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'papayawhip') ; r=255 ; g=239 ; b=213 ; endif if( color = 'lavenderblush') ; r=255 ; g=240 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'seashell') ; r=255 ; g=245 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'cornsilk') ; r=255 ; g=248 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'lemonchiffon') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'floralwhite') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'snow') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'yellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightyellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=224 ; endif if( color = 'ivory') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'white') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif *** direct rgb specification length = math_strlen( color ) first = substr( color, 1, 1 ) if( first = '(' ) i = 2 k = 1 rgb.1 = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( color, i, 1 ) if( c = ',' | c = ')' ) k = k + 1 rgb.k = '' else rgb.k = rgb.k % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile r = rgb.1 g = rgb.2 b = rgb.3 endif *** return if( rgb = 'r' ); return( r ); endif if( rgb = 'g' ); return( g ); endif if( rgb = 'b' ); return( b ); endif return * * help * function help() say ' Name:' say ' color '_version' - set color' say ' ' say ' Usage:' say ' color [-gxout (contour|shaded|grfill)]' say ' [-kind kind]' say ' [-sample]' say ' [-div div]' say ' (-var variable | min max [int] | -levs lev1 lev2 ...)' say ' [-xcbar xcba-args]' say '' say ' -gxout : type of gxout' say ' -kind kind : color list, ' say ' or color name or rgb value connected with "->".' say ' e.g., blue->white->red, bluered,' say ' (200,100,100)->red->(0.0,0)' say ' You can specify number of color ' say ' between the two colors using -(n)-> :' say ' e.g. white-(0)->blue->red' say ' -sample : draw color sample' say ' -var variable : variable to draw' say ' -div div : when "int" is not specified,' say ' [min:max] is divided by "div" (default: 10)' say ' min max [int] : minimum and maximum values of the graphic' say ' -levs lev1 lev2 ... ' say ' : levels' say ' -ret : pretend to be script function.' say ' -xcbar xcbar-args: run xcbar.gs to draw color bar.' say ' xcbar.gs is necessary.' say '' say ' Note:' say ' [arg-name] : specify if needed' say ' (arg1 | arg2) : arg1 or arg2 must be specified' say ' This version is compatible with color.gs Ver 0.01 and after.' say '' say ' Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Chihiro Kodama' say ' Distributed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)' say '' return * * Help is in the end of this script * function color( args ) _version = '0.07r2' if( args = '' ) help() return endif ***** Default value ***** gxout = 'shaded' kind = 'blue->white->red' sample = 0 var = 'none' min = 'none' max = 'none' int = 'none' * div = 10 div = 25 levs = '' xcbar = 'none' retflag= 0 ***** Arguement ***** i = 1 while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) i = i + 1; if( arg = '' ); break; endif while( 1 ) *** option if( arg = '-gxout' ) ; gxout=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-kind' ) ; kind=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-div' ) ; div=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-sample' ); sample=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-ret' ) ; retflag=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-var' ) ; var=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-levs' ) while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) if( valnum(arg) = 0 ) ; break ; endif levs = levs % ' ' % arg i = i + 1 endwhile break endif *** int, max, min if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max = 'none' ) max = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min = 'none' ) min = arg break endif if( arg = '-xcbar' ) xcbar = '' break endif say 'syntax error: 'arg return endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) ; break; endif endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) start = 0 end = math_strlen( args ) * order of the word word = 0 * previous character (0:space 1:word) pre = 0 while( start < end ) start = start + 1 c = substr( args, start, 1 ) if( c != ' ' & pre = 0 ) word = word + 1 pre = 1 else if( c = ' ' & pre = 1 ) pre = 0 endif endif if( word = i ) ; break; endif endwhile xcbar = substr( args, start, end-start+1 ) endif ***** Parameter adjust ***** *** var -> min, max, int if( var != 'none' & ( min = 'none' | max = 'none' ) ) * get min & max value of the variable i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) 'q dims' line = sublin( result, i+1 ) name.i = subwrd( line, 1 ) type.i = subwrd( line, 3 ) if( type.i = 'varying' ) min.i = subwrd( line, 11 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 13 ) else min.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) endif i = i + 1 endwhile j = 1 while( j <= 2 ) head.j = '' tail.j = '' i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) if( j = 1 ) ; head.j = 'min( ' % head.j else ; head.j = 'max( ' % head.j ; endif tail.j = tail.j % ', ' % name.i % '=' % min.i % ', ' % name.i % '=' max.i % ' )' i = i + 1 endwhile 'd 'head.j' 'var' 'tail.j i = 1 while( 1 ) line = sublin( result, i ) word = subwrd( line, 1 ) if( word = 'Result' ) ; break ; endif if( word = '' ) ; exit ; endif i = i + 1 endwhile val = subwrd( line, 4 ) * say val if( j = 1 ) ; minval = val else ; maxval = val ; endif j = j + 1 endwhile if( minval = maxval ) say 'Constant Field: ' % minval exit endif * determine contour interval following gagx.c, L5066 rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 10.0 w2 = math_int( math_log10( rdif ) ) w1 = math_pow( 10.0, w2 ) norml = rdif / w1 int = 0.0 if( int = 0.0 & norml >= 1.0 & norml <= 1.5 ) ; int = 1.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 1.5 & norml <= 2.5 ) ; int = 2.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 2.5 & norml <= 3.5 ) ; int = 3.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 3.5 & norml <= 7.5 ) ; int = 5.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 ) ; int = 10.0 ; endif int = int * w1 min = int * math_int( minval / int + 1.0 ) max = int * math_int( maxval / int ) say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** min, max -> int if( min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = ( max - min ) / div say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** special kind * if( kind = 'bluered' ); kind='blue->white->red'; endif * if( kind = 'rainbow' ); kind='blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red'; endif * if( kind = 'redblue' ); kind='red->white->blue'; endif * if( kind = 'grainbow' ); kind='(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)'; endif * replace special kind kind = spcol( kind ) ***** Parameter check ***** if( ( valnum(min)=0 | valnum(max)=0 | valnum(int)=0 ) & levs='' ) say 'error in colog.gs: cannot determine color levels' return endif if( valnum(min)!=0 & valnum(max)!=0 & valnum(int)!=0 & levs!='' ) say 'error in color.gs: multiple definition of color levels' return endif *** gxout if( gxout != 'shaded' & gxout != 'contour' & gxout != 'grfill') say 'error in color.gs: 'gxout' not supported !' return endif ***** Calculate levels ***** if( levs = '' ) *** get levs & colnum value = min colnum = 0 levs = '' while( value <= max ) levs = levs % ' ' % value value = value + int colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile else *** get colnum colnum = 0 while( subwrd(levs,colnum+1) != '' ) colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile endif *** get cols i = 1 cols = '' while( i <= colnum ) cols = cols % ' ' % (i+15) i = i + 1 endwhile **** one more color if gxout=shaded if( gxout = 'shaded' | gxout = 'grfill' ) colnum = colnum + 1 cols = cols % ' ' % (colnum+15) endif ***** Set levs/cols ***** 'set gxout 'gxout 'set clevs 'levs 'set ccols 'cols say 'clevs='levs say 'ccols='cols if( retflag = 1 ) ret = 'clevs ' % levs ret = ret % ' ccols ' % cols endif ret = ret % ' rgb ' ***** Define colors ***** *** analyze -kind * max : number of color listed in -kind. * ncol.i : number of color between col.i and col.(i+1) * 0 if no color exists between the two colors. * -1 if not specified (automatic). i = 1 max = -999 while( max != i-2 ) col.i = getcol( kind,i ) * say i % ': ' % col.i if( col.i = '' ) max = i - 1 else * get ncol.i if specified ncol.i = -1 l = math_strlen( col.i ) if( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) = ')' ) ncol.i = '' l = l - 1 while( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) != '(' & l > 1 ) ncol.i = substr( col.i, l, 1 ) % ncol.i l = l - 1 endwhile if( l = 1 ) ncol.i = -1 else col.i = substr( col.i, 1, l-2 ) endif endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile *** define color max_ncol = max colnum_ncol = 0 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) * say colnum_ncol if( ncol.i >= 0 ) max_ncol = max_ncol - 1 colnum_ncol = colnum_ncol + ncol.i + 1 endif i = i + 1 endwhile * say colnum i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) if( ncol.i < 0 ) * ncol.i = (colnum-1) / (max-1.0)-1 ncol.i = (colnum-colnum_ncol-1) / (max_ncol-1.0)-1 endif * say i % ' ' % ncol.i i = i + 1 endwhile enum = 16 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) ipp = i + 1 scol = col.i ecol = col.ipp snum = enum enum = snum + ncol.i + 1 if( i = max - 1 ) ; enum = 16 + colnum - 1 ; endif * say 'i=' % i * say snum' 'enum rgb = defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) ret = ret % rgb % ' ' i = i + 1 endwhile ***** display color sample ***** if( sample = 1 ) i = 0 dx = 11.0 / colnum while( i < colnum ) 'set line 'i+16 'draw recf 'i*dx' 4 'i*dx+dx' 5' i = i + 1 endwhile endif ***** run xcbar.gs ***** if( xcbar != 'none' ) levcol = '' if( levs = '' ) i = 1 value = min while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % value value = value + int i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) else i = 1 while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % subwrd(levs,i) i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) endif say ' -> xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol 'xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol endif if( retflag = 1 ) return ret endif return ********************************************** * * replace special color in -kind * * kind : -kind parameter * ********************************************** function spcol( kind ) length = math_strlen( kind ); i = 1 kind2 = '' coltemp = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' | c%c2 = '-(' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' | i = length ) if( i = length ) ; coltemp = coltemp % c ; c = '' ; endif if( coltemp = 'bluered' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->white->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'rainbow' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'redblue' ) ; coltemp = 'red->white->blue' ; endif if( coltemp = 'grainbow') ; coltemp = '(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)' ; endif kind2 = kind2 % coltemp % c coltemp = '' else coltemp = coltemp % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile say kind2 return ( kind2 ) ********************************************** * * get color from -kind parameters * * kind : -kind parameter * num : order * ********************************************** function getcol( kind, num ) ret = '' length = math_strlen( kind ); order = 1 i = 1 while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' ); order=order+1; i=i+1; else if( order = num ); ret=ret%c; endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile return ( ret ) ********************************************** * * define color * * snum : start color number * scol : start color name * enum : end color number * ecol : end color name * ********************************************** function defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) * say snum'('scol') -> 'enum'('ecol')' diff = enum - snum * if( diff < 1.0 ) if( diff <= 0.0 ) return endif *** set start & end color (rgb) sr = colornum( scol, 'r' ) sg = colornum( scol, 'g' ) sb = colornum( scol, 'b' ) er = colornum( ecol, 'r' ) eg = colornum( ecol, 'g' ) eb = colornum( ecol, 'b' ) *** set initial color number (integer) * e.g., * i=16 -> 16 * i=16.5 -> 17 * i=16.9 -> 17 * i = math_int( snum ) * if( i != 16 ) if( snum != 16 ) i = i + 1 endif * if( i != snum ) * i = i + 1 * endif *** set color ret = '' while( i <= enum ) r = math_nint( sr + (er-sr) * (i-snum) / diff ) g = math_nint( sg + (eg-sg) * (i-snum) / diff ) b = math_nint( sb + (eb-sb) * (i-snum) / diff ) * say i' r='r' g='g' b='b 'set rgb 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b ret = ret' 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b i = i + 1 endwhile return ret ********************************************** * * color -> rgb value table * * color : color name * rgb : "r" or "g" or "b" * * return : rgb value * ********************************************** function colornum( color, rgb ) r=-1; g=-1; b=-1 *** define rgb value if( color = 'black') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'navy') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'blue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkgreen') ; r=0 ; g=100 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'green') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'teal') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkcyan') ; r=0 ; g=139 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'deepskyblue') ; r=0 ; g=191 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkturquoise') ; r=0 ; g=206 ; b=209 ; endif if( color = 'mediumspringgreen') ; r=0 ; g=250 ; b=154 ; endif if( color = 'lime') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'springgreen') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=127 ; endif if( color = 'aqua') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'cyan') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'midnightblue') ; r=25 ; g=25 ; b=112 ; endif if( color = 'dodgerblue') ; r=30 ; g=144 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lightseagreen') ; r=32 ; g=178 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'forestgreen') ; r=34 ; g=139 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'seagreen') ; r=46 ; g=139 ; b=87 ; endif if( color = 'darkslategray') ; r=47 ; g=79 ; b=79 ; endif if( color = 'limegreen') ; r=50 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'mediumseagreen') ; r=60 ; g=179 ; b=113 ; endif if( color = 'turquoise') ; r=64 ; g=224 ; b=208 ; endif if( color = 'royalblue') ; r=65 ; g=105 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'steelblue') ; r=70 ; g=130 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'darkslateblue') ; r=72 ; g=61 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumturquoise') ; r=72 ; g=209 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'indigo') ; r=75 ; g=0 ; b=130 ; endif if( color = 'darkolivegreen') ; r=85 ; g=107 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'cadetblue') ; r=95 ; g=158 ; b=160 ; endif if( color = 'cornflowerblue') ; r=100 ; g=149 ; b=237 ; endif if( color = 'mediumaquamarine') ; r=102 ; g=205 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'dimgray') ; r=105 ; g=105 ; b=105 ; endif if( color = 'slateblue') ; r=106 ; g=90 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'olivedrab') ; r=107 ; g=142 ; b=35 ; endif if( color = 'slategray') ; r=112 ; g=128 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'lightslategray') ; r=119 ; g=136 ; b=153 ; endif if( color = 'mediumslateblue') ; r=123 ; g=104 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lawngreen') ; r=124 ; g=252 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'chartreuse') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'aquamarine') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=212 ; endif if( color = 'maroon') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'purple') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'olive') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'gray') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'skyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=235 ; endif if( color = 'lightskyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'blueviolet') ; r=138 ; g=43 ; b=226 ; endif if( color = 'darkred') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'darkmagenta') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'saddlebrown') ; r=139 ; g=69 ; b=19 ; endif if( color = 'darkseagreen') ; r=143 ; g=188 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'lightgreen') ; r=144 ; g=238 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'mediumpurple') ; r=147 ; g=112 ; b=219 ; endif if( color = 'darkviolet') ; r=148 ; g=0 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'palegreen') ; r=152 ; g=251 ; b=152 ; endif if( color = 'darkorchid') ; r=153 ; g=50 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'yellowgreen') ; r=154 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'sienna') ; r=160 ; g=82 ; b=45 ; endif if( color = 'brown') ; r=165 ; g=42 ; b=42 ; endif if( color = 'darkgray') ; r=169 ; g=169 ; b=169 ; endif if( color = 'lightblue') ; r=173 ; g=216 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'greenyellow') ; r=173 ; g=255 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'paleturquoise') ; r=175 ; g=238 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lightsteelblue') ; r=176 ; g=196 ; b=222 ; endif if( color = 'powderblue') ; r=176 ; g=224 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'firebrick') ; r=178 ; g=34 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'darkgoldenrod') ; r=184 ; g=134 ; b=11 ; endif if( color = 'mediumorchid') ; r=186 ; g=85 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'rosybrown') ; r=188 ; g=143 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'darkkhaki') ; r=189 ; g=183 ; b=107 ; endif if( color = 'silver') ; r=192 ; g=192 ; b=192 ; endif if( color = 'mediumvioletred') ; r=199 ; g=21 ; b=133 ; endif if( color = 'indianred') ; r=205 ; g=92 ; b=92 ; endif if( color = 'peru') ; r=205 ; g=133 ; b=63 ; endif if( color = 'chocolate') ; r=210 ; g=105 ; b=30 ; endif if( color = 'tan') ; r=210 ; g=180 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'lightgray') ; r=211 ; g=211 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'thistle') ; r=216 ; g=191 ; b=216 ; endif if( color = 'orchid') ; r=218 ; g=112 ; b=214 ; endif if( color = 'goldenrod') ; r=218 ; g=165 ; b=32 ; endif if( color = 'palevioletred') ; r=219 ; g=112 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'crimson') ; r=220 ; g=20 ; b=60 ; endif if( color = 'gainsboro') ; r=220 ; g=220 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'plum') ; r=221 ; g=160 ; b=221 ; endif if( color = 'burlywood') ; r=222 ; g=184 ; b=135 ; endif if( color = 'lightcyan') ; r=224 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lavender') ; r=230 ; g=230 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'darksalmon') ; r=233 ; g=150 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'violet') ; r=238 ; g=130 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'palegoldenrod') ; r=238 ; g=232 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'lightcoral') ; r=240 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'khaki') ; r=240 ; g=230 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'aliceblue') ; r=240 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'honeydew') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'azure') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'sandybrown') ; r=244 ; g=164 ; b=96 ; endif if( color = 'wheat') ; r=245 ; g=222 ; b=179 ; endif if( color = 'beige') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'whitesmoke') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'mintcream') ; r=245 ; g=255 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'ghostwhite') ; r=248 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'salmon') ; r=250 ; g=128 ; b=114 ; endif if( color = 'antiquewhite') ; r=250 ; g=235 ; b=215 ; endif if( color = 'linen') ; r=250 ; g=240 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow') ; r=250 ; g=250 ; b=210 ; endif if( color = 'oldlace') ; r=253 ; g=245 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'red') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'fuchsia') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'magenta') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'deeppink') ; r=255 ; g=20 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'orangered') ; r=255 ; g=69 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'tomato') ; r=255 ; g=99 ; b=71 ; endif if( color = 'hotpink') ; r=255 ; g=105 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'coral') ; r=255 ; g=127 ; b=80 ; endif if( color = 'darkorange') ; r=255 ; g=140 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightsalmon') ; r=255 ; g=160 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'orange') ; r=255 ; g=165 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightpink') ; r=255 ; g=182 ; b=193 ; endif if( color = 'pink') ; r=255 ; g=192 ; b=203 ; endif if( color = 'gold') ; r=255 ; g=215 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'peachpuff') ; r=255 ; g=218 ; b=185 ; endif if( color = 'navajowhite') ; r=255 ; g=222 ; b=173 ; endif if( color = 'moccasin') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=181 ; endif if( color = 'bisque') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=196 ; endif if( color = 'mistyrose') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'blanchedalmond') ; r=255 ; g=235 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'papayawhip') ; r=255 ; g=239 ; b=213 ; endif if( color = 'lavenderblush') ; r=255 ; g=240 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'seashell') ; r=255 ; g=245 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'cornsilk') ; r=255 ; g=248 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'lemonchiffon') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'floralwhite') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'snow') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'yellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightyellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=224 ; endif if( color = 'ivory') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'white') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif *** direct rgb specification length = math_strlen( color ) first = substr( color, 1, 1 ) if( first = '(' ) i = 2 k = 1 rgb.1 = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( color, i, 1 ) if( c = ',' | c = ')' ) k = k + 1 rgb.k = '' else rgb.k = rgb.k % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile r = rgb.1 g = rgb.2 b = rgb.3 endif *** return if( rgb = 'r' ); return( r ); endif if( rgb = 'g' ); return( g ); endif if( rgb = 'b' ); return( b ); endif return * * help * function help() say ' Name:' say ' color '_version' - set color' say ' ' say ' Usage:' say ' color [-gxout (contour|shaded|grfill)]' say ' [-kind kind]' say ' [-sample]' say ' [-div div]' say ' (-var variable | min max [int] | -levs lev1 lev2 ...)' say ' [-xcbar xcba-args]' say '' say ' -gxout : type of gxout' say ' -kind kind : color list, ' say ' or color name or rgb value connected with "->".' say ' e.g., blue->white->red, bluered,' say ' (200,100,100)->red->(0.0,0)' say ' You can specify number of color ' say ' between the two colors using -(n)-> :' say ' e.g. white-(0)->blue->red' say ' -sample : draw color sample' say ' -var variable : variable to draw' say ' -div div : when "int" is not specified,' say ' [min:max] is divided by "div" (default: 10)' say ' min max [int] : minimum and maximum values of the graphic' say ' -levs lev1 lev2 ... ' say ' : levels' say ' -ret : pretend to be script function.' say ' -xcbar xcbar-args: run xcbar.gs to draw color bar.' say ' xcbar.gs is necessary.' say '' say ' Note:' say ' [arg-name] : specify if needed' say ' (arg1 | arg2) : arg1 or arg2 must be specified' say ' This version is compatible with color.gs Ver 0.01 and after.' say '' say ' Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Chihiro Kodama' say ' Distributed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)' say '' return * * Help is in the end of this script * function color( args ) _version = '0.07r2' if( args = '' ) help() return endif ***** Default value ***** gxout = 'shaded' kind = 'blue->white->red' sample = 0 var = 'none' min = 'none' max = 'none' int = 'none' * div = 10 div = 25 levs = '' xcbar = 'none' retflag= 0 ***** Arguement ***** i = 1 while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) i = i + 1; if( arg = '' ); break; endif while( 1 ) *** option if( arg = '-gxout' ) ; gxout=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-kind' ) ; kind=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-div' ) ; div=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-sample' ); sample=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-ret' ) ; retflag=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-var' ) ; var=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-levs' ) while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) if( valnum(arg) = 0 ) ; break ; endif levs = levs % ' ' % arg i = i + 1 endwhile break endif *** int, max, min if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max = 'none' ) max = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min = 'none' ) min = arg break endif if( arg = '-xcbar' ) xcbar = '' break endif say 'syntax error: 'arg return endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) ; break; endif endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) start = 0 end = math_strlen( args ) * order of the word word = 0 * previous character (0:space 1:word) pre = 0 while( start < end ) start = start + 1 c = substr( args, start, 1 ) if( c != ' ' & pre = 0 ) word = word + 1 pre = 1 else if( c = ' ' & pre = 1 ) pre = 0 endif endif if( word = i ) ; break; endif endwhile xcbar = substr( args, start, end-start+1 ) endif ***** Parameter adjust ***** *** var -> min, max, int if( var != 'none' & ( min = 'none' | max = 'none' ) ) * get min & max value of the variable i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) 'q dims' line = sublin( result, i+1 ) name.i = subwrd( line, 1 ) type.i = subwrd( line, 3 ) if( type.i = 'varying' ) min.i = subwrd( line, 11 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 13 ) else min.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) endif i = i + 1 endwhile j = 1 while( j <= 2 ) head.j = '' tail.j = '' i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) if( j = 1 ) ; head.j = 'min( ' % head.j else ; head.j = 'max( ' % head.j ; endif tail.j = tail.j % ', ' % name.i % '=' % min.i % ', ' % name.i % '=' max.i % ' )' i = i + 1 endwhile 'd 'head.j' 'var' 'tail.j i = 1 while( 1 ) line = sublin( result, i ) word = subwrd( line, 1 ) if( word = 'Result' ) ; break ; endif if( word = '' ) ; exit ; endif i = i + 1 endwhile val = subwrd( line, 4 ) * say val if( j = 1 ) ; minval = val else ; maxval = val ; endif j = j + 1 endwhile if( minval = maxval ) say 'Constant Field: ' % minval exit endif * determine contour interval following gagx.c, L5066 rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 10.0 w2 = math_int( math_log10( rdif ) ) w1 = math_pow( 10.0, w2 ) norml = rdif / w1 int = 0.0 if( int = 0.0 & norml >= 1.0 & norml <= 1.5 ) ; int = 1.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 1.5 & norml <= 2.5 ) ; int = 2.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 2.5 & norml <= 3.5 ) ; int = 3.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 3.5 & norml <= 7.5 ) ; int = 5.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 ) ; int = 10.0 ; endif int = int * w1 min = int * math_int( minval / int + 1.0 ) max = int * math_int( maxval / int ) say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** min, max -> int if( min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = ( max - min ) / div say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** special kind * if( kind = 'bluered' ); kind='blue->white->red'; endif * if( kind = 'rainbow' ); kind='blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red'; endif * if( kind = 'redblue' ); kind='red->white->blue'; endif * if( kind = 'grainbow' ); kind='(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)'; endif * replace special kind kind = spcol( kind ) ***** Parameter check ***** if( ( valnum(min)=0 | valnum(max)=0 | valnum(int)=0 ) & levs='' ) say 'error in colog.gs: cannot determine color levels' return endif if( valnum(min)!=0 & valnum(max)!=0 & valnum(int)!=0 & levs!='' ) say 'error in color.gs: multiple definition of color levels' return endif *** gxout if( gxout != 'shaded' & gxout != 'contour' & gxout != 'grfill') say 'error in color.gs: 'gxout' not supported !' return endif ***** Calculate levels ***** if( levs = '' ) *** get levs & colnum value = min colnum = 0 levs = '' while( value <= max ) levs = levs % ' ' % value value = value + int colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile else *** get colnum colnum = 0 while( subwrd(levs,colnum+1) != '' ) colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile endif *** get cols i = 1 cols = '' while( i <= colnum ) cols = cols % ' ' % (i+15) i = i + 1 endwhile **** one more color if gxout=shaded if( gxout = 'shaded' | gxout = 'grfill' ) colnum = colnum + 1 cols = cols % ' ' % (colnum+15) endif ***** Set levs/cols ***** 'set gxout 'gxout 'set clevs 'levs 'set ccols 'cols say 'clevs='levs say 'ccols='cols if( retflag = 1 ) ret = 'clevs ' % levs ret = ret % ' ccols ' % cols endif ret = ret % ' rgb ' ***** Define colors ***** *** analyze -kind * max : number of color listed in -kind. * ncol.i : number of color between col.i and col.(i+1) * 0 if no color exists between the two colors. * -1 if not specified (automatic). i = 1 max = -999 while( max != i-2 ) col.i = getcol( kind,i ) * say i % ': ' % col.i if( col.i = '' ) max = i - 1 else * get ncol.i if specified ncol.i = -1 l = math_strlen( col.i ) if( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) = ')' ) ncol.i = '' l = l - 1 while( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) != '(' & l > 1 ) ncol.i = substr( col.i, l, 1 ) % ncol.i l = l - 1 endwhile if( l = 1 ) ncol.i = -1 else col.i = substr( col.i, 1, l-2 ) endif endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile *** define color max_ncol = max colnum_ncol = 0 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) * say colnum_ncol if( ncol.i >= 0 ) max_ncol = max_ncol - 1 colnum_ncol = colnum_ncol + ncol.i + 1 endif i = i + 1 endwhile * say colnum i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) if( ncol.i < 0 ) * ncol.i = (colnum-1) / (max-1.0)-1 ncol.i = (colnum-colnum_ncol-1) / (max_ncol-1.0)-1 endif * say i % ' ' % ncol.i i = i + 1 endwhile enum = 16 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) ipp = i + 1 scol = col.i ecol = col.ipp snum = enum enum = snum + ncol.i + 1 if( i = max - 1 ) ; enum = 16 + colnum - 1 ; endif * say 'i=' % i * say snum' 'enum rgb = defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) ret = ret % rgb % ' ' i = i + 1 endwhile ***** display color sample ***** if( sample = 1 ) i = 0 dx = 11.0 / colnum while( i < colnum ) 'set line 'i+16 'draw recf 'i*dx' 4 'i*dx+dx' 5' i = i + 1 endwhile endif ***** run xcbar.gs ***** if( xcbar != 'none' ) levcol = '' if( levs = '' ) i = 1 value = min while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % value value = value + int i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) else i = 1 while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % subwrd(levs,i) i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) endif say ' -> xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol 'xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol endif if( retflag = 1 ) return ret endif return ********************************************** * * replace special color in -kind * * kind : -kind parameter * ********************************************** function spcol( kind ) length = math_strlen( kind ); i = 1 kind2 = '' coltemp = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' | c%c2 = '-(' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' | i = length ) if( i = length ) ; coltemp = coltemp % c ; c = '' ; endif if( coltemp = 'bluered' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->white->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'rainbow' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'redblue' ) ; coltemp = 'red->white->blue' ; endif if( coltemp = 'grainbow') ; coltemp = '(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)' ; endif kind2 = kind2 % coltemp % c coltemp = '' else coltemp = coltemp % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile say kind2 return ( kind2 ) ********************************************** * * get color from -kind parameters * * kind : -kind parameter * num : order * ********************************************** function getcol( kind, num ) ret = '' length = math_strlen( kind ); order = 1 i = 1 while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' ); order=order+1; i=i+1; else if( order = num ); ret=ret%c; endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile return ( ret ) ********************************************** * * define color * * snum : start color number * scol : start color name * enum : end color number * ecol : end color name * ********************************************** function defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) * say snum'('scol') -> 'enum'('ecol')' diff = enum - snum * if( diff < 1.0 ) if( diff <= 0.0 ) return endif *** set start & end color (rgb) sr = colornum( scol, 'r' ) sg = colornum( scol, 'g' ) sb = colornum( scol, 'b' ) er = colornum( ecol, 'r' ) eg = colornum( ecol, 'g' ) eb = colornum( ecol, 'b' ) *** set initial color number (integer) * e.g., * i=16 -> 16 * i=16.5 -> 17 * i=16.9 -> 17 * i = math_int( snum ) * if( i != 16 ) if( snum != 16 ) i = i + 1 endif * if( i != snum ) * i = i + 1 * endif *** set color ret = '' while( i <= enum ) r = math_nint( sr + (er-sr) * (i-snum) / diff ) g = math_nint( sg + (eg-sg) * (i-snum) / diff ) b = math_nint( sb + (eb-sb) * (i-snum) / diff ) * say i' r='r' g='g' b='b 'set rgb 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b ret = ret' 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b i = i + 1 endwhile return ret ********************************************** * * color -> rgb value table * * color : color name * rgb : "r" or "g" or "b" * * return : rgb value * ********************************************** function colornum( color, rgb ) r=-1; g=-1; b=-1 *** define rgb value if( color = 'black') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'navy') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'blue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkgreen') ; r=0 ; g=100 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'green') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'teal') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkcyan') ; r=0 ; g=139 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'deepskyblue') ; r=0 ; g=191 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkturquoise') ; r=0 ; g=206 ; b=209 ; endif if( color = 'mediumspringgreen') ; r=0 ; g=250 ; b=154 ; endif if( color = 'lime') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'springgreen') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=127 ; endif if( color = 'aqua') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'cyan') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'midnightblue') ; r=25 ; g=25 ; b=112 ; endif if( color = 'dodgerblue') ; r=30 ; g=144 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lightseagreen') ; r=32 ; g=178 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'forestgreen') ; r=34 ; g=139 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'seagreen') ; r=46 ; g=139 ; b=87 ; endif if( color = 'darkslategray') ; r=47 ; g=79 ; b=79 ; endif if( color = 'limegreen') ; r=50 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'mediumseagreen') ; r=60 ; g=179 ; b=113 ; endif if( color = 'turquoise') ; r=64 ; g=224 ; b=208 ; endif if( color = 'royalblue') ; r=65 ; g=105 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'steelblue') ; r=70 ; g=130 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'darkslateblue') ; r=72 ; g=61 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumturquoise') ; r=72 ; g=209 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'indigo') ; r=75 ; g=0 ; b=130 ; endif if( color = 'darkolivegreen') ; r=85 ; g=107 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'cadetblue') ; r=95 ; g=158 ; b=160 ; endif if( color = 'cornflowerblue') ; r=100 ; g=149 ; b=237 ; endif if( color = 'mediumaquamarine') ; r=102 ; g=205 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'dimgray') ; r=105 ; g=105 ; b=105 ; endif if( color = 'slateblue') ; r=106 ; g=90 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'olivedrab') ; r=107 ; g=142 ; b=35 ; endif if( color = 'slategray') ; r=112 ; g=128 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'lightslategray') ; r=119 ; g=136 ; b=153 ; endif if( color = 'mediumslateblue') ; r=123 ; g=104 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lawngreen') ; r=124 ; g=252 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'chartreuse') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'aquamarine') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=212 ; endif if( color = 'maroon') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'purple') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'olive') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'gray') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'skyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=235 ; endif if( color = 'lightskyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'blueviolet') ; r=138 ; g=43 ; b=226 ; endif if( color = 'darkred') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'darkmagenta') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'saddlebrown') ; r=139 ; g=69 ; b=19 ; endif if( color = 'darkseagreen') ; r=143 ; g=188 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'lightgreen') ; r=144 ; g=238 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'mediumpurple') ; r=147 ; g=112 ; b=219 ; endif if( color = 'darkviolet') ; r=148 ; g=0 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'palegreen') ; r=152 ; g=251 ; b=152 ; endif if( color = 'darkorchid') ; r=153 ; g=50 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'yellowgreen') ; r=154 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'sienna') ; r=160 ; g=82 ; b=45 ; endif if( color = 'brown') ; r=165 ; g=42 ; b=42 ; endif if( color = 'darkgray') ; r=169 ; g=169 ; b=169 ; endif if( color = 'lightblue') ; r=173 ; g=216 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'greenyellow') ; r=173 ; g=255 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'paleturquoise') ; r=175 ; g=238 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lightsteelblue') ; r=176 ; g=196 ; b=222 ; endif if( color = 'powderblue') ; r=176 ; g=224 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'firebrick') ; r=178 ; g=34 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'darkgoldenrod') ; r=184 ; g=134 ; b=11 ; endif if( color = 'mediumorchid') ; r=186 ; g=85 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'rosybrown') ; r=188 ; g=143 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'darkkhaki') ; r=189 ; g=183 ; b=107 ; endif if( color = 'silver') ; r=192 ; g=192 ; b=192 ; endif if( color = 'mediumvioletred') ; r=199 ; g=21 ; b=133 ; endif if( color = 'indianred') ; r=205 ; g=92 ; b=92 ; endif if( color = 'peru') ; r=205 ; g=133 ; b=63 ; endif if( color = 'chocolate') ; r=210 ; g=105 ; b=30 ; endif if( color = 'tan') ; r=210 ; g=180 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'lightgray') ; r=211 ; g=211 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'thistle') ; r=216 ; g=191 ; b=216 ; endif if( color = 'orchid') ; r=218 ; g=112 ; b=214 ; endif if( color = 'goldenrod') ; r=218 ; g=165 ; b=32 ; endif if( color = 'palevioletred') ; r=219 ; g=112 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'crimson') ; r=220 ; g=20 ; b=60 ; endif if( color = 'gainsboro') ; r=220 ; g=220 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'plum') ; r=221 ; g=160 ; b=221 ; endif if( color = 'burlywood') ; r=222 ; g=184 ; b=135 ; endif if( color = 'lightcyan') ; r=224 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lavender') ; r=230 ; g=230 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'darksalmon') ; r=233 ; g=150 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'violet') ; r=238 ; g=130 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'palegoldenrod') ; r=238 ; g=232 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'lightcoral') ; r=240 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'khaki') ; r=240 ; g=230 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'aliceblue') ; r=240 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'honeydew') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'azure') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'sandybrown') ; r=244 ; g=164 ; b=96 ; endif if( color = 'wheat') ; r=245 ; g=222 ; b=179 ; endif if( color = 'beige') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'whitesmoke') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'mintcream') ; r=245 ; g=255 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'ghostwhite') ; r=248 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'salmon') ; r=250 ; g=128 ; b=114 ; endif if( color = 'antiquewhite') ; r=250 ; g=235 ; b=215 ; endif if( color = 'linen') ; r=250 ; g=240 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow') ; r=250 ; g=250 ; b=210 ; endif if( color = 'oldlace') ; r=253 ; g=245 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'red') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'fuchsia') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'magenta') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'deeppink') ; r=255 ; g=20 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'orangered') ; r=255 ; g=69 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'tomato') ; r=255 ; g=99 ; b=71 ; endif if( color = 'hotpink') ; r=255 ; g=105 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'coral') ; r=255 ; g=127 ; b=80 ; endif if( color = 'darkorange') ; r=255 ; g=140 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightsalmon') ; r=255 ; g=160 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'orange') ; r=255 ; g=165 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightpink') ; r=255 ; g=182 ; b=193 ; endif if( color = 'pink') ; r=255 ; g=192 ; b=203 ; endif if( color = 'gold') ; r=255 ; g=215 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'peachpuff') ; r=255 ; g=218 ; b=185 ; endif if( color = 'navajowhite') ; r=255 ; g=222 ; b=173 ; endif if( color = 'moccasin') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=181 ; endif if( color = 'bisque') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=196 ; endif if( color = 'mistyrose') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'blanchedalmond') ; r=255 ; g=235 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'papayawhip') ; r=255 ; g=239 ; b=213 ; endif if( color = 'lavenderblush') ; r=255 ; g=240 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'seashell') ; r=255 ; g=245 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'cornsilk') ; r=255 ; g=248 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'lemonchiffon') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'floralwhite') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'snow') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'yellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightyellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=224 ; endif if( color = 'ivory') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'white') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif *** direct rgb specification length = math_strlen( color ) first = substr( color, 1, 1 ) if( first = '(' ) i = 2 k = 1 rgb.1 = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( color, i, 1 ) if( c = ',' | c = ')' ) k = k + 1 rgb.k = '' else rgb.k = rgb.k % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile r = rgb.1 g = rgb.2 b = rgb.3 endif *** return if( rgb = 'r' ); return( r ); endif if( rgb = 'g' ); return( g ); endif if( rgb = 'b' ); return( b ); endif return * * help * function help() say ' Name:' say ' color '_version' - set color' say ' ' say ' Usage:' say ' color [-gxout (contour|shaded|grfill)]' say ' [-kind kind]' say ' [-sample]' say ' [-div div]' say ' (-var variable | min max [int] | -levs lev1 lev2 ...)' say ' [-xcbar xcba-args]' say '' say ' -gxout : type of gxout' say ' -kind kind : color list, ' say ' or color name or rgb value connected with "->".' say ' e.g., blue->white->red, bluered,' say ' (200,100,100)->red->(0.0,0)' say ' You can specify number of color ' say ' between the two colors using -(n)-> :' say ' e.g. white-(0)->blue->red' say ' -sample : draw color sample' say ' -var variable : variable to draw' say ' -div div : when "int" is not specified,' say ' [min:max] is divided by "div" (default: 10)' say ' min max [int] : minimum and maximum values of the graphic' say ' -levs lev1 lev2 ... ' say ' : levels' say ' -ret : pretend to be script function.' say ' -xcbar xcbar-args: run xcbar.gs to draw color bar.' say ' xcbar.gs is necessary.' say '' say ' Note:' say ' [arg-name] : specify if needed' say ' (arg1 | arg2) : arg1 or arg2 must be specified' say ' This version is compatible with color.gs Ver 0.01 and after.' say '' say ' Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Chihiro Kodama' say ' Distributed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)' say '' return * * Help is in the end of this script * function color( args ) _version = '0.07r2' if( args = '' ) help() return endif ***** Default value ***** gxout = 'shaded' kind = 'blue->white->red' sample = 0 var = 'none' min = 'none' max = 'none' int = 'none' * div = 10 div = 25 levs = '' xcbar = 'none' retflag= 0 ***** Arguement ***** i = 1 while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) i = i + 1; if( arg = '' ); break; endif while( 1 ) *** option if( arg = '-gxout' ) ; gxout=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-kind' ) ; kind=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-div' ) ; div=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-sample' ); sample=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-ret' ) ; retflag=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-var' ) ; var=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-levs' ) while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) if( valnum(arg) = 0 ) ; break ; endif levs = levs % ' ' % arg i = i + 1 endwhile break endif *** int, max, min if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max = 'none' ) max = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min = 'none' ) min = arg break endif if( arg = '-xcbar' ) xcbar = '' break endif say 'syntax error: 'arg return endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) ; break; endif endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) start = 0 end = math_strlen( args ) * order of the word word = 0 * previous character (0:space 1:word) pre = 0 while( start < end ) start = start + 1 c = substr( args, start, 1 ) if( c != ' ' & pre = 0 ) word = word + 1 pre = 1 else if( c = ' ' & pre = 1 ) pre = 0 endif endif if( word = i ) ; break; endif endwhile xcbar = substr( args, start, end-start+1 ) endif ***** Parameter adjust ***** *** var -> min, max, int if( var != 'none' & ( min = 'none' | max = 'none' ) ) * get min & max value of the variable i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) 'q dims' line = sublin( result, i+1 ) name.i = subwrd( line, 1 ) type.i = subwrd( line, 3 ) if( type.i = 'varying' ) min.i = subwrd( line, 11 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 13 ) else min.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) endif i = i + 1 endwhile j = 1 while( j <= 2 ) head.j = '' tail.j = '' i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) if( j = 1 ) ; head.j = 'min( ' % head.j else ; head.j = 'max( ' % head.j ; endif tail.j = tail.j % ', ' % name.i % '=' % min.i % ', ' % name.i % '=' max.i % ' )' i = i + 1 endwhile 'd 'head.j' 'var' 'tail.j i = 1 while( 1 ) line = sublin( result, i ) word = subwrd( line, 1 ) if( word = 'Result' ) ; break ; endif if( word = '' ) ; exit ; endif i = i + 1 endwhile val = subwrd( line, 4 ) * say val if( j = 1 ) ; minval = val else ; maxval = val ; endif j = j + 1 endwhile if( minval = maxval ) say 'Constant Field: ' % minval exit endif * determine contour interval following gagx.c, L5066 rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 10.0 w2 = math_int( math_log10( rdif ) ) w1 = math_pow( 10.0, w2 ) norml = rdif / w1 int = 0.0 if( int = 0.0 & norml >= 1.0 & norml <= 1.5 ) ; int = 1.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 1.5 & norml <= 2.5 ) ; int = 2.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 2.5 & norml <= 3.5 ) ; int = 3.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 3.5 & norml <= 7.5 ) ; int = 5.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 ) ; int = 10.0 ; endif int = int * w1 min = int * math_int( minval / int + 1.0 ) max = int * math_int( maxval / int ) say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** min, max -> int if( min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = ( max - min ) / div say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** special kind * if( kind = 'bluered' ); kind='blue->white->red'; endif * if( kind = 'rainbow' ); kind='blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red'; endif * if( kind = 'redblue' ); kind='red->white->blue'; endif * if( kind = 'grainbow' ); kind='(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)'; endif * replace special kind kind = spcol( kind ) ***** Parameter check ***** if( ( valnum(min)=0 | valnum(max)=0 | valnum(int)=0 ) & levs='' ) say 'error in colog.gs: cannot determine color levels' return endif if( valnum(min)!=0 & valnum(max)!=0 & valnum(int)!=0 & levs!='' ) say 'error in color.gs: multiple definition of color levels' return endif *** gxout if( gxout != 'shaded' & gxout != 'contour' & gxout != 'grfill') say 'error in color.gs: 'gxout' not supported !' return endif ***** Calculate levels ***** if( levs = '' ) *** get levs & colnum value = min colnum = 0 levs = '' while( value <= max ) levs = levs % ' ' % value value = value + int colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile else *** get colnum colnum = 0 while( subwrd(levs,colnum+1) != '' ) colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile endif *** get cols i = 1 cols = '' while( i <= colnum ) cols = cols % ' ' % (i+15) i = i + 1 endwhile **** one more color if gxout=shaded if( gxout = 'shaded' | gxout = 'grfill' ) colnum = colnum + 1 cols = cols % ' ' % (colnum+15) endif ***** Set levs/cols ***** 'set gxout 'gxout 'set clevs 'levs 'set ccols 'cols say 'clevs='levs say 'ccols='cols if( retflag = 1 ) ret = 'clevs ' % levs ret = ret % ' ccols ' % cols endif ret = ret % ' rgb ' ***** Define colors ***** *** analyze -kind * max : number of color listed in -kind. * ncol.i : number of color between col.i and col.(i+1) * 0 if no color exists between the two colors. * -1 if not specified (automatic). i = 1 max = -999 while( max != i-2 ) col.i = getcol( kind,i ) * say i % ': ' % col.i if( col.i = '' ) max = i - 1 else * get ncol.i if specified ncol.i = -1 l = math_strlen( col.i ) if( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) = ')' ) ncol.i = '' l = l - 1 while( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) != '(' & l > 1 ) ncol.i = substr( col.i, l, 1 ) % ncol.i l = l - 1 endwhile if( l = 1 ) ncol.i = -1 else col.i = substr( col.i, 1, l-2 ) endif endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile *** define color max_ncol = max colnum_ncol = 0 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) * say colnum_ncol if( ncol.i >= 0 ) max_ncol = max_ncol - 1 colnum_ncol = colnum_ncol + ncol.i + 1 endif i = i + 1 endwhile * say colnum i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) if( ncol.i < 0 ) * ncol.i = (colnum-1) / (max-1.0)-1 ncol.i = (colnum-colnum_ncol-1) / (max_ncol-1.0)-1 endif * say i % ' ' % ncol.i i = i + 1 endwhile enum = 16 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) ipp = i + 1 scol = col.i ecol = col.ipp snum = enum enum = snum + ncol.i + 1 if( i = max - 1 ) ; enum = 16 + colnum - 1 ; endif * say 'i=' % i * say snum' 'enum rgb = defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) ret = ret % rgb % ' ' i = i + 1 endwhile ***** display color sample ***** if( sample = 1 ) i = 0 dx = 11.0 / colnum while( i < colnum ) 'set line 'i+16 'draw recf 'i*dx' 4 'i*dx+dx' 5' i = i + 1 endwhile endif ***** run xcbar.gs ***** if( xcbar != 'none' ) levcol = '' if( levs = '' ) i = 1 value = min while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % value value = value + int i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) else i = 1 while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % subwrd(levs,i) i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) endif say ' -> xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol 'xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol endif if( retflag = 1 ) return ret endif return ********************************************** * * replace special color in -kind * * kind : -kind parameter * ********************************************** function spcol( kind ) length = math_strlen( kind ); i = 1 kind2 = '' coltemp = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' | c%c2 = '-(' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' | i = length ) if( i = length ) ; coltemp = coltemp % c ; c = '' ; endif if( coltemp = 'bluered' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->white->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'rainbow' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'redblue' ) ; coltemp = 'red->white->blue' ; endif if( coltemp = 'grainbow') ; coltemp = '(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)' ; endif kind2 = kind2 % coltemp % c coltemp = '' else coltemp = coltemp % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile say kind2 return ( kind2 ) ********************************************** * * get color from -kind parameters * * kind : -kind parameter * num : order * ********************************************** function getcol( kind, num ) ret = '' length = math_strlen( kind ); order = 1 i = 1 while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' ); order=order+1; i=i+1; else if( order = num ); ret=ret%c; endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile return ( ret ) ********************************************** * * define color * * snum : start color number * scol : start color name * enum : end color number * ecol : end color name * ********************************************** function defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) * say snum'('scol') -> 'enum'('ecol')' diff = enum - snum * if( diff < 1.0 ) if( diff <= 0.0 ) return endif *** set start & end color (rgb) sr = colornum( scol, 'r' ) sg = colornum( scol, 'g' ) sb = colornum( scol, 'b' ) er = colornum( ecol, 'r' ) eg = colornum( ecol, 'g' ) eb = colornum( ecol, 'b' ) *** set initial color number (integer) * e.g., * i=16 -> 16 * i=16.5 -> 17 * i=16.9 -> 17 * i = math_int( snum ) * if( i != 16 ) if( snum != 16 ) i = i + 1 endif * if( i != snum ) * i = i + 1 * endif *** set color ret = '' while( i <= enum ) r = math_nint( sr + (er-sr) * (i-snum) / diff ) g = math_nint( sg + (eg-sg) * (i-snum) / diff ) b = math_nint( sb + (eb-sb) * (i-snum) / diff ) * say i' r='r' g='g' b='b 'set rgb 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b ret = ret' 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b i = i + 1 endwhile return ret ********************************************** * * color -> rgb value table * * color : color name * rgb : "r" or "g" or "b" * * return : rgb value * ********************************************** function colornum( color, rgb ) r=-1; g=-1; b=-1 *** define rgb value if( color = 'black') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'navy') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'blue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkgreen') ; r=0 ; g=100 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'green') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'teal') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkcyan') ; r=0 ; g=139 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'deepskyblue') ; r=0 ; g=191 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkturquoise') ; r=0 ; g=206 ; b=209 ; endif if( color = 'mediumspringgreen') ; r=0 ; g=250 ; b=154 ; endif if( color = 'lime') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'springgreen') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=127 ; endif if( color = 'aqua') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'cyan') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'midnightblue') ; r=25 ; g=25 ; b=112 ; endif if( color = 'dodgerblue') ; r=30 ; g=144 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lightseagreen') ; r=32 ; g=178 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'forestgreen') ; r=34 ; g=139 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'seagreen') ; r=46 ; g=139 ; b=87 ; endif if( color = 'darkslategray') ; r=47 ; g=79 ; b=79 ; endif if( color = 'limegreen') ; r=50 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'mediumseagreen') ; r=60 ; g=179 ; b=113 ; endif if( color = 'turquoise') ; r=64 ; g=224 ; b=208 ; endif if( color = 'royalblue') ; r=65 ; g=105 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'steelblue') ; r=70 ; g=130 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'darkslateblue') ; r=72 ; g=61 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumturquoise') ; r=72 ; g=209 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'indigo') ; r=75 ; g=0 ; b=130 ; endif if( color = 'darkolivegreen') ; r=85 ; g=107 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'cadetblue') ; r=95 ; g=158 ; b=160 ; endif if( color = 'cornflowerblue') ; r=100 ; g=149 ; b=237 ; endif if( color = 'mediumaquamarine') ; r=102 ; g=205 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'dimgray') ; r=105 ; g=105 ; b=105 ; endif if( color = 'slateblue') ; r=106 ; g=90 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'olivedrab') ; r=107 ; g=142 ; b=35 ; endif if( color = 'slategray') ; r=112 ; g=128 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'lightslategray') ; r=119 ; g=136 ; b=153 ; endif if( color = 'mediumslateblue') ; r=123 ; g=104 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lawngreen') ; r=124 ; g=252 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'chartreuse') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'aquamarine') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=212 ; endif if( color = 'maroon') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'purple') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'olive') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'gray') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'skyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=235 ; endif if( color = 'lightskyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'blueviolet') ; r=138 ; g=43 ; b=226 ; endif if( color = 'darkred') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'darkmagenta') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'saddlebrown') ; r=139 ; g=69 ; b=19 ; endif if( color = 'darkseagreen') ; r=143 ; g=188 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'lightgreen') ; r=144 ; g=238 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'mediumpurple') ; r=147 ; g=112 ; b=219 ; endif if( color = 'darkviolet') ; r=148 ; g=0 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'palegreen') ; r=152 ; g=251 ; b=152 ; endif if( color = 'darkorchid') ; r=153 ; g=50 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'yellowgreen') ; r=154 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'sienna') ; r=160 ; g=82 ; b=45 ; endif if( color = 'brown') ; r=165 ; g=42 ; b=42 ; endif if( color = 'darkgray') ; r=169 ; g=169 ; b=169 ; endif if( color = 'lightblue') ; r=173 ; g=216 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'greenyellow') ; r=173 ; g=255 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'paleturquoise') ; r=175 ; g=238 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lightsteelblue') ; r=176 ; g=196 ; b=222 ; endif if( color = 'powderblue') ; r=176 ; g=224 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'firebrick') ; r=178 ; g=34 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'darkgoldenrod') ; r=184 ; g=134 ; b=11 ; endif if( color = 'mediumorchid') ; r=186 ; g=85 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'rosybrown') ; r=188 ; g=143 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'darkkhaki') ; r=189 ; g=183 ; b=107 ; endif if( color = 'silver') ; r=192 ; g=192 ; b=192 ; endif if( color = 'mediumvioletred') ; r=199 ; g=21 ; b=133 ; endif if( color = 'indianred') ; r=205 ; g=92 ; b=92 ; endif if( color = 'peru') ; r=205 ; g=133 ; b=63 ; endif if( color = 'chocolate') ; r=210 ; g=105 ; b=30 ; endif if( color = 'tan') ; r=210 ; g=180 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'lightgray') ; r=211 ; g=211 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'thistle') ; r=216 ; g=191 ; b=216 ; endif if( color = 'orchid') ; r=218 ; g=112 ; b=214 ; endif if( color = 'goldenrod') ; r=218 ; g=165 ; b=32 ; endif if( color = 'palevioletred') ; r=219 ; g=112 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'crimson') ; r=220 ; g=20 ; b=60 ; endif if( color = 'gainsboro') ; r=220 ; g=220 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'plum') ; r=221 ; g=160 ; b=221 ; endif if( color = 'burlywood') ; r=222 ; g=184 ; b=135 ; endif if( color = 'lightcyan') ; r=224 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lavender') ; r=230 ; g=230 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'darksalmon') ; r=233 ; g=150 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'violet') ; r=238 ; g=130 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'palegoldenrod') ; r=238 ; g=232 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'lightcoral') ; r=240 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'khaki') ; r=240 ; g=230 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'aliceblue') ; r=240 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'honeydew') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'azure') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'sandybrown') ; r=244 ; g=164 ; b=96 ; endif if( color = 'wheat') ; r=245 ; g=222 ; b=179 ; endif if( color = 'beige') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'whitesmoke') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'mintcream') ; r=245 ; g=255 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'ghostwhite') ; r=248 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'salmon') ; r=250 ; g=128 ; b=114 ; endif if( color = 'antiquewhite') ; r=250 ; g=235 ; b=215 ; endif if( color = 'linen') ; r=250 ; g=240 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow') ; r=250 ; g=250 ; b=210 ; endif if( color = 'oldlace') ; r=253 ; g=245 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'red') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'fuchsia') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'magenta') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'deeppink') ; r=255 ; g=20 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'orangered') ; r=255 ; g=69 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'tomato') ; r=255 ; g=99 ; b=71 ; endif if( color = 'hotpink') ; r=255 ; g=105 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'coral') ; r=255 ; g=127 ; b=80 ; endif if( color = 'darkorange') ; r=255 ; g=140 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightsalmon') ; r=255 ; g=160 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'orange') ; r=255 ; g=165 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightpink') ; r=255 ; g=182 ; b=193 ; endif if( color = 'pink') ; r=255 ; g=192 ; b=203 ; endif if( color = 'gold') ; r=255 ; g=215 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'peachpuff') ; r=255 ; g=218 ; b=185 ; endif if( color = 'navajowhite') ; r=255 ; g=222 ; b=173 ; endif if( color = 'moccasin') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=181 ; endif if( color = 'bisque') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=196 ; endif if( color = 'mistyrose') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'blanchedalmond') ; r=255 ; g=235 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'papayawhip') ; r=255 ; g=239 ; b=213 ; endif if( color = 'lavenderblush') ; r=255 ; g=240 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'seashell') ; r=255 ; g=245 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'cornsilk') ; r=255 ; g=248 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'lemonchiffon') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'floralwhite') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'snow') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'yellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightyellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=224 ; endif if( color = 'ivory') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'white') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif *** direct rgb specification length = math_strlen( color ) first = substr( color, 1, 1 ) if( first = '(' ) i = 2 k = 1 rgb.1 = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( color, i, 1 ) if( c = ',' | c = ')' ) k = k + 1 rgb.k = '' else rgb.k = rgb.k % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile r = rgb.1 g = rgb.2 b = rgb.3 endif *** return if( rgb = 'r' ); return( r ); endif if( rgb = 'g' ); return( g ); endif if( rgb = 'b' ); return( b ); endif return * * help * function help() say ' Name:' say ' color '_version' - set color' say ' ' say ' Usage:' say ' color [-gxout (contour|shaded|grfill)]' say ' [-kind kind]' say ' [-sample]' say ' [-div div]' say ' (-var variable | min max [int] | -levs lev1 lev2 ...)' say ' [-xcbar xcba-args]' say '' say ' -gxout : type of gxout' say ' -kind kind : color list, ' say ' or color name or rgb value connected with "->".' say ' e.g., blue->white->red, bluered,' say ' (200,100,100)->red->(0.0,0)' say ' You can specify number of color ' say ' between the two colors using -(n)-> :' say ' e.g. white-(0)->blue->red' say ' -sample : draw color sample' say ' -var variable : variable to draw' say ' -div div : when "int" is not specified,' say ' [min:max] is divided by "div" (default: 10)' say ' min max [int] : minimum and maximum values of the graphic' say ' -levs lev1 lev2 ... ' say ' : levels' say ' -ret : pretend to be script function.' say ' -xcbar xcbar-args: run xcbar.gs to draw color bar.' say ' xcbar.gs is necessary.' say '' say ' Note:' say ' [arg-name] : specify if needed' say ' (arg1 | arg2) : arg1 or arg2 must be specified' say ' This version is compatible with color.gs Ver 0.01 and after.' say '' say ' Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Chihiro Kodama' say ' Distributed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)' say '' return * * Help is in the end of this script * function color( args ) _version = '0.07r2' if( args = '' ) help() return endif ***** Default value ***** gxout = 'shaded' kind = 'blue->white->red' sample = 0 var = 'none' min = 'none' max = 'none' int = 'none' div = 10 levs = '' xcbar = 'none' retflag= 0 ***** Arguement ***** i = 1 while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) i = i + 1; if( arg = '' ); break; endif while( 1 ) *** option if( arg = '-gxout' ) ; gxout=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-kind' ) ; kind=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-div' ) ; div=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-sample' ); sample=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-ret' ) ; retflag=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-var' ) ; var=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-levs' ) while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) if( valnum(arg) = 0 ) ; break ; endif levs = levs % ' ' % arg i = i + 1 endwhile break endif *** int, max, min if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max = 'none' ) max = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min = 'none' ) min = arg break endif if( arg = '-xcbar' ) xcbar = '' break endif say 'syntax error: 'arg return endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) ; break; endif endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) start = 0 end = math_strlen( args ) * order of the word word = 0 * previous character (0:space 1:word) pre = 0 while( start < end ) start = start + 1 c = substr( args, start, 1 ) if( c != ' ' & pre = 0 ) word = word + 1 pre = 1 else if( c = ' ' & pre = 1 ) pre = 0 endif endif if( word = i ) ; break; endif endwhile xcbar = substr( args, start, end-start+1 ) endif ***** Parameter adjust ***** *** var -> min, max, int if( var != 'none' & ( min = 'none' | max = 'none' ) ) * get min & max value of the variable i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) 'q dims' line = sublin( result, i+1 ) name.i = subwrd( line, 1 ) type.i = subwrd( line, 3 ) if( type.i = 'varying' ) min.i = subwrd( line, 11 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 13 ) else min.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) endif i = i + 1 endwhile j = 1 while( j <= 2 ) head.j = '' tail.j = '' i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) if( j = 1 ) ; head.j = 'min( ' % head.j else ; head.j = 'max( ' % head.j ; endif tail.j = tail.j % ', ' % name.i % '=' % min.i % ', ' % name.i % '=' max.i % ' )' i = i + 1 endwhile 'd 'head.j' 'var' 'tail.j i = 1 while( 1 ) line = sublin( result, i ) word = subwrd( line, 1 ) if( word = 'Result' ) ; break ; endif if( word = '' ) ; exit ; endif i = i + 1 endwhile val = subwrd( line, 4 ) * say val if( j = 1 ) ; minval = val else ; maxval = val ; endif j = j + 1 endwhile if( minval = maxval ) say 'Constant Field: ' % minval exit endif * determine contour interval following gagx.c, L5066 rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 10.0 w2 = math_int( math_log10( rdif ) ) w1 = math_pow( 10.0, w2 ) norml = rdif / w1 int = 0.0 if( int = 0.0 & norml >= 1.0 & norml <= 1.5 ) ; int = 1.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 1.5 & norml <= 2.5 ) ; int = 2.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 2.5 & norml <= 3.5 ) ; int = 3.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 3.5 & norml <= 7.5 ) ; int = 5.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 ) ; int = 10.0 ; endif int = int * w1 min = int * math_int( minval / int + 1.0 ) max = int * math_int( maxval / int ) say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** min, max -> int if( min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = ( max - min ) / div say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** special kind * if( kind = 'bluered' ); kind='blue->white->red'; endif * if( kind = 'rainbow' ); kind='blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red'; endif * if( kind = 'redblue' ); kind='red->white->blue'; endif * if( kind = 'grainbow' ); kind='(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)'; endif * replace special kind kind = spcol( kind ) ***** Parameter check ***** if( ( valnum(min)=0 | valnum(max)=0 | valnum(int)=0 ) & levs='' ) say 'error in colog.gs: cannot determine color levels' return endif if( valnum(min)!=0 & valnum(max)!=0 & valnum(int)!=0 & levs!='' ) say 'error in color.gs: multiple definition of color levels' return endif *** gxout if( gxout != 'shaded' & gxout != 'contour' & gxout != 'grfill') say 'error in color.gs: 'gxout' not supported !' return endif ***** Calculate levels ***** if( levs = '' ) *** get levs & colnum value = min colnum = 0 levs = '' while( value <= max ) levs = levs % ' ' % value value = value + int colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile else *** get colnum colnum = 0 while( subwrd(levs,colnum+1) != '' ) colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile endif *** get cols i = 1 cols = '' while( i <= colnum ) cols = cols % ' ' % (i+15) i = i + 1 endwhile **** one more color if gxout=shaded if( gxout = 'shaded' | gxout = 'grfill' ) colnum = colnum + 1 cols = cols % ' ' % (colnum+15) endif ***** Set levs/cols ***** 'set gxout 'gxout 'set clevs 'levs 'set ccols 'cols say 'clevs='levs say 'ccols='cols if( retflag = 1 ) ret = 'clevs ' % levs ret = ret % ' ccols ' % cols endif ret = ret % ' rgb ' ***** Define colors ***** *** analyze -kind * max : number of color listed in -kind. * ncol.i : number of color between col.i and col.(i+1) * 0 if no color exists between the two colors. * -1 if not specified (automatic). i = 1 max = -999 while( max != i-2 ) col.i = getcol( kind,i ) * say i % ': ' % col.i if( col.i = '' ) max = i - 1 else * get ncol.i if specified ncol.i = -1 l = math_strlen( col.i ) if( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) = ')' ) ncol.i = '' l = l - 1 while( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) != '(' & l > 1 ) ncol.i = substr( col.i, l, 1 ) % ncol.i l = l - 1 endwhile if( l = 1 ) ncol.i = -1 else col.i = substr( col.i, 1, l-2 ) endif endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile *** define color max_ncol = max colnum_ncol = 0 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) * say colnum_ncol if( ncol.i >= 0 ) max_ncol = max_ncol - 1 colnum_ncol = colnum_ncol + ncol.i + 1 endif i = i + 1 endwhile * say colnum i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) if( ncol.i < 0 ) * ncol.i = (colnum-1) / (max-1.0)-1 ncol.i = (colnum-colnum_ncol-1) / (max_ncol-1.0)-1 endif * say i % ' ' % ncol.i i = i + 1 endwhile enum = 16 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) ipp = i + 1 scol = col.i ecol = col.ipp snum = enum enum = snum + ncol.i + 1 if( i = max - 1 ) ; enum = 16 + colnum - 1 ; endif * say 'i=' % i * say snum' 'enum rgb = defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) ret = ret % rgb % ' ' i = i + 1 endwhile ***** display color sample ***** if( sample = 1 ) i = 0 dx = 11.0 / colnum while( i < colnum ) 'set line 'i+16 'draw recf 'i*dx' 4 'i*dx+dx' 5' i = i + 1 endwhile endif ***** run xcbar.gs ***** if( xcbar != 'none' ) levcol = '' if( levs = '' ) i = 1 value = min while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % value value = value + int i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) else i = 1 while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % subwrd(levs,i) i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) endif say ' -> xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol 'xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol endif if( retflag = 1 ) return ret endif return ********************************************** * * replace special color in -kind * * kind : -kind parameter * ********************************************** function spcol( kind ) length = math_strlen( kind ); i = 1 kind2 = '' coltemp = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' | c%c2 = '-(' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' | i = length ) if( i = length ) ; coltemp = coltemp % c ; c = '' ; endif if( coltemp = 'bluered' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->white->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'rainbow' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'redblue' ) ; coltemp = 'red->white->blue' ; endif if( coltemp = 'grainbow') ; coltemp = '(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)' ; endif kind2 = kind2 % coltemp % c coltemp = '' else coltemp = coltemp % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile say kind2 return ( kind2 ) ********************************************** * * get color from -kind parameters * * kind : -kind parameter * num : order * ********************************************** function getcol( kind, num ) ret = '' length = math_strlen( kind ); order = 1 i = 1 while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' ); order=order+1; i=i+1; else if( order = num ); ret=ret%c; endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile return ( ret ) ********************************************** * * define color * * snum : start color number * scol : start color name * enum : end color number * ecol : end color name * ********************************************** function defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) * say snum'('scol') -> 'enum'('ecol')' diff = enum - snum * if( diff < 1.0 ) if( diff <= 0.0 ) return endif *** set start & end color (rgb) sr = colornum( scol, 'r' ) sg = colornum( scol, 'g' ) sb = colornum( scol, 'b' ) er = colornum( ecol, 'r' ) eg = colornum( ecol, 'g' ) eb = colornum( ecol, 'b' ) *** set initial color number (integer) * e.g., * i=16 -> 16 * i=16.5 -> 17 * i=16.9 -> 17 * i = math_int( snum ) * if( i != 16 ) if( snum != 16 ) i = i + 1 endif * if( i != snum ) * i = i + 1 * endif *** set color ret = '' while( i <= enum ) r = math_nint( sr + (er-sr) * (i-snum) / diff ) g = math_nint( sg + (eg-sg) * (i-snum) / diff ) b = math_nint( sb + (eb-sb) * (i-snum) / diff ) * say i' r='r' g='g' b='b 'set rgb 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b ret = ret' 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b i = i + 1 endwhile return ret ********************************************** * * color -> rgb value table * * color : color name * rgb : "r" or "g" or "b" * * return : rgb value * ********************************************** function colornum( color, rgb ) r=-1; g=-1; b=-1 *** define rgb value if( color = 'black') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'navy') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'blue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkgreen') ; r=0 ; g=100 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'green') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'teal') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkcyan') ; r=0 ; g=139 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'deepskyblue') ; r=0 ; g=191 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkturquoise') ; r=0 ; g=206 ; b=209 ; endif if( color = 'mediumspringgreen') ; r=0 ; g=250 ; b=154 ; endif if( color = 'lime') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'springgreen') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=127 ; endif if( color = 'aqua') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'cyan') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'midnightblue') ; r=25 ; g=25 ; b=112 ; endif if( color = 'dodgerblue') ; r=30 ; g=144 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lightseagreen') ; r=32 ; g=178 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'forestgreen') ; r=34 ; g=139 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'seagreen') ; r=46 ; g=139 ; b=87 ; endif if( color = 'darkslategray') ; r=47 ; g=79 ; b=79 ; endif if( color = 'limegreen') ; r=50 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'mediumseagreen') ; r=60 ; g=179 ; b=113 ; endif if( color = 'turquoise') ; r=64 ; g=224 ; b=208 ; endif if( color = 'royalblue') ; r=65 ; g=105 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'steelblue') ; r=70 ; g=130 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'darkslateblue') ; r=72 ; g=61 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumturquoise') ; r=72 ; g=209 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'indigo') ; r=75 ; g=0 ; b=130 ; endif if( color = 'darkolivegreen') ; r=85 ; g=107 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'cadetblue') ; r=95 ; g=158 ; b=160 ; endif if( color = 'cornflowerblue') ; r=100 ; g=149 ; b=237 ; endif if( color = 'mediumaquamarine') ; r=102 ; g=205 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'dimgray') ; r=105 ; g=105 ; b=105 ; endif if( color = 'slateblue') ; r=106 ; g=90 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'olivedrab') ; r=107 ; g=142 ; b=35 ; endif if( color = 'slategray') ; r=112 ; g=128 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'lightslategray') ; r=119 ; g=136 ; b=153 ; endif if( color = 'mediumslateblue') ; r=123 ; g=104 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lawngreen') ; r=124 ; g=252 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'chartreuse') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'aquamarine') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=212 ; endif if( color = 'maroon') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'purple') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'olive') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'gray') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'skyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=235 ; endif if( color = 'lightskyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'blueviolet') ; r=138 ; g=43 ; b=226 ; endif if( color = 'darkred') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'darkmagenta') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'saddlebrown') ; r=139 ; g=69 ; b=19 ; endif if( color = 'darkseagreen') ; r=143 ; g=188 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'lightgreen') ; r=144 ; g=238 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'mediumpurple') ; r=147 ; g=112 ; b=219 ; endif if( color = 'darkviolet') ; r=148 ; g=0 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'palegreen') ; r=152 ; g=251 ; b=152 ; endif if( color = 'darkorchid') ; r=153 ; g=50 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'yellowgreen') ; r=154 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'sienna') ; r=160 ; g=82 ; b=45 ; endif if( color = 'brown') ; r=165 ; g=42 ; b=42 ; endif if( color = 'darkgray') ; r=169 ; g=169 ; b=169 ; endif if( color = 'lightblue') ; r=173 ; g=216 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'greenyellow') ; r=173 ; g=255 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'paleturquoise') ; r=175 ; g=238 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lightsteelblue') ; r=176 ; g=196 ; b=222 ; endif if( color = 'powderblue') ; r=176 ; g=224 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'firebrick') ; r=178 ; g=34 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'darkgoldenrod') ; r=184 ; g=134 ; b=11 ; endif if( color = 'mediumorchid') ; r=186 ; g=85 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'rosybrown') ; r=188 ; g=143 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'darkkhaki') ; r=189 ; g=183 ; b=107 ; endif if( color = 'silver') ; r=192 ; g=192 ; b=192 ; endif if( color = 'mediumvioletred') ; r=199 ; g=21 ; b=133 ; endif if( color = 'indianred') ; r=205 ; g=92 ; b=92 ; endif if( color = 'peru') ; r=205 ; g=133 ; b=63 ; endif if( color = 'chocolate') ; r=210 ; g=105 ; b=30 ; endif if( color = 'tan') ; r=210 ; g=180 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'lightgray') ; r=211 ; g=211 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'thistle') ; r=216 ; g=191 ; b=216 ; endif if( color = 'orchid') ; r=218 ; g=112 ; b=214 ; endif if( color = 'goldenrod') ; r=218 ; g=165 ; b=32 ; endif if( color = 'palevioletred') ; r=219 ; g=112 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'crimson') ; r=220 ; g=20 ; b=60 ; endif if( color = 'gainsboro') ; r=220 ; g=220 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'plum') ; r=221 ; g=160 ; b=221 ; endif if( color = 'burlywood') ; r=222 ; g=184 ; b=135 ; endif if( color = 'lightcyan') ; r=224 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lavender') ; r=230 ; g=230 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'darksalmon') ; r=233 ; g=150 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'violet') ; r=238 ; g=130 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'palegoldenrod') ; r=238 ; g=232 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'lightcoral') ; r=240 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'khaki') ; r=240 ; g=230 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'aliceblue') ; r=240 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'honeydew') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'azure') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'sandybrown') ; r=244 ; g=164 ; b=96 ; endif if( color = 'wheat') ; r=245 ; g=222 ; b=179 ; endif if( color = 'beige') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'whitesmoke') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'mintcream') ; r=245 ; g=255 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'ghostwhite') ; r=248 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'salmon') ; r=250 ; g=128 ; b=114 ; endif if( color = 'antiquewhite') ; r=250 ; g=235 ; b=215 ; endif if( color = 'linen') ; r=250 ; g=240 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow') ; r=250 ; g=250 ; b=210 ; endif if( color = 'oldlace') ; r=253 ; g=245 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'red') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'fuchsia') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'magenta') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'deeppink') ; r=255 ; g=20 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'orangered') ; r=255 ; g=69 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'tomato') ; r=255 ; g=99 ; b=71 ; endif if( color = 'hotpink') ; r=255 ; g=105 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'coral') ; r=255 ; g=127 ; b=80 ; endif if( color = 'darkorange') ; r=255 ; g=140 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightsalmon') ; r=255 ; g=160 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'orange') ; r=255 ; g=165 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightpink') ; r=255 ; g=182 ; b=193 ; endif if( color = 'pink') ; r=255 ; g=192 ; b=203 ; endif if( color = 'gold') ; r=255 ; g=215 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'peachpuff') ; r=255 ; g=218 ; b=185 ; endif if( color = 'navajowhite') ; r=255 ; g=222 ; b=173 ; endif if( color = 'moccasin') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=181 ; endif if( color = 'bisque') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=196 ; endif if( color = 'mistyrose') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'blanchedalmond') ; r=255 ; g=235 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'papayawhip') ; r=255 ; g=239 ; b=213 ; endif if( color = 'lavenderblush') ; r=255 ; g=240 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'seashell') ; r=255 ; g=245 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'cornsilk') ; r=255 ; g=248 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'lemonchiffon') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'floralwhite') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'snow') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'yellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightyellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=224 ; endif if( color = 'ivory') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'white') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif *** direct rgb specification length = math_strlen( color ) first = substr( color, 1, 1 ) if( first = '(' ) i = 2 k = 1 rgb.1 = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( color, i, 1 ) if( c = ',' | c = ')' ) k = k + 1 rgb.k = '' else rgb.k = rgb.k % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile r = rgb.1 g = rgb.2 b = rgb.3 endif *** return if( rgb = 'r' ); return( r ); endif if( rgb = 'g' ); return( g ); endif if( rgb = 'b' ); return( b ); endif return * * help * function help() say ' Name:' say ' color '_version' - set color' say ' ' say ' Usage:' say ' color [-gxout (contour|shaded|grfill)]' say ' [-kind kind]' say ' [-sample]' say ' [-div div]' say ' (-var variable | min max [int] | -levs lev1 lev2 ...)' say ' [-xcbar xcba-args]' say '' say ' -gxout : type of gxout' say ' -kind kind : color list, ' say ' or color name or rgb value connected with "->".' say ' e.g., blue->white->red, bluered,' say ' (200,100,100)->red->(0.0,0)' say ' You can specify number of color ' say ' between the two colors using -(n)-> :' say ' e.g. white-(0)->blue->red' say ' -sample : draw color sample' say ' -var variable : variable to draw' say ' -div div : when "int" is not specified,' say ' [min:max] is divided by "div" (default: 10)' say ' min max [int] : minimum and maximum values of the graphic' say ' -levs lev1 lev2 ... ' say ' : levels' say ' -ret : pretend to be script function.' say ' -xcbar xcbar-args: run xcbar.gs to draw color bar.' say ' xcbar.gs is necessary.' say '' say ' Note:' say ' [arg-name] : specify if needed' say ' (arg1 | arg2) : arg1 or arg2 must be specified' say ' This version is compatible with color.gs Ver 0.01 and after.' say '' say ' Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Chihiro Kodama' say ' Distributed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)' say '' return * * Help is in the end of this script * function color( args ) _version = '0.07r2' if( args = '' ) help() return endif ***** Default value ***** gxout = 'shaded' kind = 'blue->white->red' sample = 0 var = 'none' min = 'none' max = 'none' int = 'none' div = 10 levs = '' xcbar = 'none' retflag= 0 ***** Arguement ***** i = 1 while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) i = i + 1; if( arg = '' ); break; endif while( 1 ) *** option if( arg = '-gxout' ) ; gxout=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-kind' ) ; kind=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-div' ) ; div=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-sample' ); sample=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-ret' ) ; retflag=1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-var' ) ; var=subwrd(args,i) ; i=i+1 ; break ; endif if( arg = '-levs' ) while( 1 ) arg = subwrd( args, i ) if( valnum(arg) = 0 ) ; break ; endif levs = levs % ' ' % arg i = i + 1 endwhile break endif *** int, max, min if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min != 'none' & max = 'none' ) max = arg break endif if( valnum(arg) != 0 & min = 'none' ) min = arg break endif if( arg = '-xcbar' ) xcbar = '' break endif say 'syntax error: 'arg return endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) ; break; endif endwhile if( xcbar = '' ) start = 0 end = math_strlen( args ) * order of the word word = 0 * previous character (0:space 1:word) pre = 0 while( start < end ) start = start + 1 c = substr( args, start, 1 ) if( c != ' ' & pre = 0 ) word = word + 1 pre = 1 else if( c = ' ' & pre = 1 ) pre = 0 endif endif if( word = i ) ; break; endif endwhile xcbar = substr( args, start, end-start+1 ) endif ***** Parameter adjust ***** *** var -> min, max, int if( var != 'none' & ( min = 'none' | max = 'none' ) ) * get min & max value of the variable i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) 'q dims' line = sublin( result, i+1 ) name.i = subwrd( line, 1 ) type.i = subwrd( line, 3 ) if( type.i = 'varying' ) min.i = subwrd( line, 11 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 13 ) else min.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) max.i = subwrd( line, 9 ) endif i = i + 1 endwhile j = 1 while( j <= 2 ) head.j = '' tail.j = '' i = 1 while( i <= 4 ) if( j = 1 ) ; head.j = 'min( ' % head.j else ; head.j = 'max( ' % head.j ; endif tail.j = tail.j % ', ' % name.i % '=' % min.i % ', ' % name.i % '=' max.i % ' )' i = i + 1 endwhile 'd 'head.j' 'var' 'tail.j i = 1 while( 1 ) line = sublin( result, i ) word = subwrd( line, 1 ) if( word = 'Result' ) ; break ; endif if( word = '' ) ; exit ; endif i = i + 1 endwhile val = subwrd( line, 4 ) * say val if( j = 1 ) ; minval = val else ; maxval = val ; endif j = j + 1 endwhile if( minval = maxval ) say 'Constant Field: ' % minval exit endif * determine contour interval following gagx.c, L5066 rdif = ( maxval - minval ) / 10.0 w2 = math_int( math_log10( rdif ) ) w1 = math_pow( 10.0, w2 ) norml = rdif / w1 int = 0.0 if( int = 0.0 & norml >= 1.0 & norml <= 1.5 ) ; int = 1.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 1.5 & norml <= 2.5 ) ; int = 2.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 2.5 & norml <= 3.5 ) ; int = 3.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 & norml > 3.5 & norml <= 7.5 ) ; int = 5.0 ; endif if( int = 0.0 ) ; int = 10.0 ; endif int = int * w1 min = int * math_int( minval / int + 1.0 ) max = int * math_int( maxval / int ) say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** min, max -> int if( min != 'none' & max != 'none' & int = 'none' ) int = ( max - min ) / div say 'min='min' max='max' int='int endif *** special kind * if( kind = 'bluered' ); kind='blue->white->red'; endif * if( kind = 'rainbow' ); kind='blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red'; endif * if( kind = 'redblue' ); kind='red->white->blue'; endif * if( kind = 'grainbow' ); kind='(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)'; endif * replace special kind kind = spcol( kind ) ***** Parameter check ***** if( ( valnum(min)=0 | valnum(max)=0 | valnum(int)=0 ) & levs='' ) say 'error in colog.gs: cannot determine color levels' return endif if( valnum(min)!=0 & valnum(max)!=0 & valnum(int)!=0 & levs!='' ) say 'error in color.gs: multiple definition of color levels' return endif *** gxout if( gxout != 'shaded' & gxout != 'contour' & gxout != 'grfill') say 'error in color.gs: 'gxout' not supported !' return endif ***** Calculate levels ***** if( levs = '' ) *** get levs & colnum value = min colnum = 0 levs = '' while( value <= max ) levs = levs % ' ' % value value = value + int colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile else *** get colnum colnum = 0 while( subwrd(levs,colnum+1) != '' ) colnum = colnum + 1 endwhile endif *** get cols i = 1 cols = '' while( i <= colnum ) cols = cols % ' ' % (i+15) i = i + 1 endwhile **** one more color if gxout=shaded if( gxout = 'shaded' | gxout = 'grfill' ) colnum = colnum + 1 cols = cols % ' ' % (colnum+15) endif ***** Set levs/cols ***** 'set gxout 'gxout 'set clevs 'levs 'set ccols 'cols say 'clevs='levs say 'ccols='cols if( retflag = 1 ) ret = 'clevs ' % levs ret = ret % ' ccols ' % cols endif ret = ret % ' rgb ' ***** Define colors ***** *** analyze -kind * max : number of color listed in -kind. * ncol.i : number of color between col.i and col.(i+1) * 0 if no color exists between the two colors. * -1 if not specified (automatic). i = 1 max = -999 while( max != i-2 ) col.i = getcol( kind,i ) * say i % ': ' % col.i if( col.i = '' ) max = i - 1 else * get ncol.i if specified ncol.i = -1 l = math_strlen( col.i ) if( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) = ')' ) ncol.i = '' l = l - 1 while( substr( col.i, l, 1 ) != '(' & l > 1 ) ncol.i = substr( col.i, l, 1 ) % ncol.i l = l - 1 endwhile if( l = 1 ) ncol.i = -1 else col.i = substr( col.i, 1, l-2 ) endif endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile *** define color max_ncol = max colnum_ncol = 0 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) * say colnum_ncol if( ncol.i >= 0 ) max_ncol = max_ncol - 1 colnum_ncol = colnum_ncol + ncol.i + 1 endif i = i + 1 endwhile * say colnum i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) if( ncol.i < 0 ) * ncol.i = (colnum-1) / (max-1.0)-1 ncol.i = (colnum-colnum_ncol-1) / (max_ncol-1.0)-1 endif * say i % ' ' % ncol.i i = i + 1 endwhile enum = 16 i = 1 while( i <= max-1 ) ipp = i + 1 scol = col.i ecol = col.ipp snum = enum enum = snum + ncol.i + 1 if( i = max - 1 ) ; enum = 16 + colnum - 1 ; endif * say 'i=' % i * say snum' 'enum rgb = defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) ret = ret % rgb % ' ' i = i + 1 endwhile ***** display color sample ***** if( sample = 1 ) i = 0 dx = 11.0 / colnum while( i < colnum ) 'set line 'i+16 'draw recf 'i*dx' 4 'i*dx+dx' 5' i = i + 1 endwhile endif ***** run xcbar.gs ***** if( xcbar != 'none' ) levcol = '' if( levs = '' ) i = 1 value = min while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % value value = value + int i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) else i = 1 while( i < colnum ) levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) % ' ' % subwrd(levs,i) i = i + 1 endwhile levcol = levcol % ' ' % (i+15) endif say ' -> xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol 'xcbar 'xcbar' -levcol 'levcol endif if( retflag = 1 ) return ret endif return ********************************************** * * replace special color in -kind * * kind : -kind parameter * ********************************************** function spcol( kind ) length = math_strlen( kind ); i = 1 kind2 = '' coltemp = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' | c%c2 = '-(' | c = '>' | c = '(' | c = ')' | i = length ) if( i = length ) ; coltemp = coltemp % c ; c = '' ; endif if( coltemp = 'bluered' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->white->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'rainbow' ) ; coltemp = 'blue->aqua->lime->yellow->red' ; endif if( coltemp = 'redblue' ) ; coltemp = 'red->white->blue' ; endif if( coltemp = 'grainbow') ; coltemp = '(160,0,200)->(110,0,220)->(30,60,255)->(0,160,255)->(0,200,200)->(0,210,140)->(0,220,0)->(160,230,50)->(230,220,50)->(230,175,45)->(240,130,40)->(250,60,60)->(240,0,130)' ; endif kind2 = kind2 % coltemp % c coltemp = '' else coltemp = coltemp % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile say kind2 return ( kind2 ) ********************************************** * * get color from -kind parameters * * kind : -kind parameter * num : order * ********************************************** function getcol( kind, num ) ret = '' length = math_strlen( kind ); order = 1 i = 1 while( i <= length ) c = substr( kind, i, 1 ) c2 = substr( kind, i+1, 1 ) if( c%c2 = '->' ); order=order+1; i=i+1; else if( order = num ); ret=ret%c; endif endif i = i + 1 endwhile return ( ret ) ********************************************** * * define color * * snum : start color number * scol : start color name * enum : end color number * ecol : end color name * ********************************************** function defcol( snum, scol, enum, ecol ) * say snum'('scol') -> 'enum'('ecol')' diff = enum - snum * if( diff < 1.0 ) if( diff <= 0.0 ) return endif *** set start & end color (rgb) sr = colornum( scol, 'r' ) sg = colornum( scol, 'g' ) sb = colornum( scol, 'b' ) er = colornum( ecol, 'r' ) eg = colornum( ecol, 'g' ) eb = colornum( ecol, 'b' ) *** set initial color number (integer) * e.g., * i=16 -> 16 * i=16.5 -> 17 * i=16.9 -> 17 * i = math_int( snum ) * if( i != 16 ) if( snum != 16 ) i = i + 1 endif * if( i != snum ) * i = i + 1 * endif *** set color ret = '' while( i <= enum ) r = math_nint( sr + (er-sr) * (i-snum) / diff ) g = math_nint( sg + (eg-sg) * (i-snum) / diff ) b = math_nint( sb + (eb-sb) * (i-snum) / diff ) * say i' r='r' g='g' b='b 'set rgb 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b ret = ret' 'i' 'r' 'g' 'b i = i + 1 endwhile return ret ********************************************** * * color -> rgb value table * * color : color name * rgb : "r" or "g" or "b" * * return : rgb value * ********************************************** function colornum( color, rgb ) r=-1; g=-1; b=-1 *** define rgb value if( color = 'black') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'navy') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumblue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'blue') ; r=0 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkgreen') ; r=0 ; g=100 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'green') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'teal') ; r=0 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'darkcyan') ; r=0 ; g=139 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'deepskyblue') ; r=0 ; g=191 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'darkturquoise') ; r=0 ; g=206 ; b=209 ; endif if( color = 'mediumspringgreen') ; r=0 ; g=250 ; b=154 ; endif if( color = 'lime') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'springgreen') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=127 ; endif if( color = 'aqua') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'cyan') ; r=0 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'midnightblue') ; r=25 ; g=25 ; b=112 ; endif if( color = 'dodgerblue') ; r=30 ; g=144 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lightseagreen') ; r=32 ; g=178 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'forestgreen') ; r=34 ; g=139 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'seagreen') ; r=46 ; g=139 ; b=87 ; endif if( color = 'darkslategray') ; r=47 ; g=79 ; b=79 ; endif if( color = 'limegreen') ; r=50 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'mediumseagreen') ; r=60 ; g=179 ; b=113 ; endif if( color = 'turquoise') ; r=64 ; g=224 ; b=208 ; endif if( color = 'royalblue') ; r=65 ; g=105 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'steelblue') ; r=70 ; g=130 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'darkslateblue') ; r=72 ; g=61 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'mediumturquoise') ; r=72 ; g=209 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'indigo') ; r=75 ; g=0 ; b=130 ; endif if( color = 'darkolivegreen') ; r=85 ; g=107 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'cadetblue') ; r=95 ; g=158 ; b=160 ; endif if( color = 'cornflowerblue') ; r=100 ; g=149 ; b=237 ; endif if( color = 'mediumaquamarine') ; r=102 ; g=205 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'dimgray') ; r=105 ; g=105 ; b=105 ; endif if( color = 'slateblue') ; r=106 ; g=90 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'olivedrab') ; r=107 ; g=142 ; b=35 ; endif if( color = 'slategray') ; r=112 ; g=128 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'lightslategray') ; r=119 ; g=136 ; b=153 ; endif if( color = 'mediumslateblue') ; r=123 ; g=104 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lawngreen') ; r=124 ; g=252 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'chartreuse') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'aquamarine') ; r=127 ; g=255 ; b=212 ; endif if( color = 'maroon') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'purple') ; r=128 ; g=0 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'olive') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'gray') ; r=128 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'skyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=235 ; endif if( color = 'lightskyblue') ; r=135 ; g=206 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'blueviolet') ; r=138 ; g=43 ; b=226 ; endif if( color = 'darkred') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'darkmagenta') ; r=139 ; g=0 ; b=139 ; endif if( color = 'saddlebrown') ; r=139 ; g=69 ; b=19 ; endif if( color = 'darkseagreen') ; r=143 ; g=188 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'lightgreen') ; r=144 ; g=238 ; b=144 ; endif if( color = 'mediumpurple') ; r=147 ; g=112 ; b=219 ; endif if( color = 'darkviolet') ; r=148 ; g=0 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'palegreen') ; r=152 ; g=251 ; b=152 ; endif if( color = 'darkorchid') ; r=153 ; g=50 ; b=204 ; endif if( color = 'yellowgreen') ; r=154 ; g=205 ; b=50 ; endif if( color = 'sienna') ; r=160 ; g=82 ; b=45 ; endif if( color = 'brown') ; r=165 ; g=42 ; b=42 ; endif if( color = 'darkgray') ; r=169 ; g=169 ; b=169 ; endif if( color = 'lightblue') ; r=173 ; g=216 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'greenyellow') ; r=173 ; g=255 ; b=47 ; endif if( color = 'paleturquoise') ; r=175 ; g=238 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'lightsteelblue') ; r=176 ; g=196 ; b=222 ; endif if( color = 'powderblue') ; r=176 ; g=224 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'firebrick') ; r=178 ; g=34 ; b=34 ; endif if( color = 'darkgoldenrod') ; r=184 ; g=134 ; b=11 ; endif if( color = 'mediumorchid') ; r=186 ; g=85 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'rosybrown') ; r=188 ; g=143 ; b=143 ; endif if( color = 'darkkhaki') ; r=189 ; g=183 ; b=107 ; endif if( color = 'silver') ; r=192 ; g=192 ; b=192 ; endif if( color = 'mediumvioletred') ; r=199 ; g=21 ; b=133 ; endif if( color = 'indianred') ; r=205 ; g=92 ; b=92 ; endif if( color = 'peru') ; r=205 ; g=133 ; b=63 ; endif if( color = 'chocolate') ; r=210 ; g=105 ; b=30 ; endif if( color = 'tan') ; r=210 ; g=180 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'lightgray') ; r=211 ; g=211 ; b=211 ; endif if( color = 'thistle') ; r=216 ; g=191 ; b=216 ; endif if( color = 'orchid') ; r=218 ; g=112 ; b=214 ; endif if( color = 'goldenrod') ; r=218 ; g=165 ; b=32 ; endif if( color = 'palevioletred') ; r=219 ; g=112 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'crimson') ; r=220 ; g=20 ; b=60 ; endif if( color = 'gainsboro') ; r=220 ; g=220 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'plum') ; r=221 ; g=160 ; b=221 ; endif if( color = 'burlywood') ; r=222 ; g=184 ; b=135 ; endif if( color = 'lightcyan') ; r=224 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'lavender') ; r=230 ; g=230 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'darksalmon') ; r=233 ; g=150 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'violet') ; r=238 ; g=130 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'palegoldenrod') ; r=238 ; g=232 ; b=170 ; endif if( color = 'lightcoral') ; r=240 ; g=128 ; b=128 ; endif if( color = 'khaki') ; r=240 ; g=230 ; b=140 ; endif if( color = 'aliceblue') ; r=240 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'honeydew') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'azure') ; r=240 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'sandybrown') ; r=244 ; g=164 ; b=96 ; endif if( color = 'wheat') ; r=245 ; g=222 ; b=179 ; endif if( color = 'beige') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'whitesmoke') ; r=245 ; g=245 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'mintcream') ; r=245 ; g=255 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'ghostwhite') ; r=248 ; g=248 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'salmon') ; r=250 ; g=128 ; b=114 ; endif if( color = 'antiquewhite') ; r=250 ; g=235 ; b=215 ; endif if( color = 'linen') ; r=250 ; g=240 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'lightgoldenrodyellow') ; r=250 ; g=250 ; b=210 ; endif if( color = 'oldlace') ; r=253 ; g=245 ; b=230 ; endif if( color = 'red') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'fuchsia') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'magenta') ; r=255 ; g=0 ; b=255 ; endif if( color = 'deeppink') ; r=255 ; g=20 ; b=147 ; endif if( color = 'orangered') ; r=255 ; g=69 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'tomato') ; r=255 ; g=99 ; b=71 ; endif if( color = 'hotpink') ; r=255 ; g=105 ; b=180 ; endif if( color = 'coral') ; r=255 ; g=127 ; b=80 ; endif if( color = 'darkorange') ; r=255 ; g=140 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightsalmon') ; r=255 ; g=160 ; b=122 ; endif if( color = 'orange') ; r=255 ; g=165 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightpink') ; r=255 ; g=182 ; b=193 ; endif if( color = 'pink') ; r=255 ; g=192 ; b=203 ; endif if( color = 'gold') ; r=255 ; g=215 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'peachpuff') ; r=255 ; g=218 ; b=185 ; endif if( color = 'navajowhite') ; r=255 ; g=222 ; b=173 ; endif if( color = 'moccasin') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=181 ; endif if( color = 'bisque') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=196 ; endif if( color = 'mistyrose') ; r=255 ; g=228 ; b=225 ; endif if( color = 'blanchedalmond') ; r=255 ; g=235 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'papayawhip') ; r=255 ; g=239 ; b=213 ; endif if( color = 'lavenderblush') ; r=255 ; g=240 ; b=245 ; endif if( color = 'seashell') ; r=255 ; g=245 ; b=238 ; endif if( color = 'cornsilk') ; r=255 ; g=248 ; b=220 ; endif if( color = 'lemonchiffon') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=205 ; endif if( color = 'floralwhite') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'snow') ; r=255 ; g=250 ; b=250 ; endif if( color = 'yellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=0 ; endif if( color = 'lightyellow') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=224 ; endif if( color = 'ivory') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=240 ; endif if( color = 'white') ; r=255 ; g=255 ; b=255 ; endif *** direct rgb specification length = math_strlen( color ) first = substr( color, 1, 1 ) if( first = '(' ) i = 2 k = 1 rgb.1 = '' while( i <= length ) c = substr( color, i, 1 ) if( c = ',' | c = ')' ) k = k + 1 rgb.k = '' else rgb.k = rgb.k % c endif i = i + 1 endwhile r = rgb.1 g = rgb.2 b = rgb.3 endif *** return if( rgb = 'r' ); return( r ); endif if( rgb = 'g' ); return( g ); endif if( rgb = 'b' ); return( b ); endif return * * help * function help() say ' Name:' say ' color '_version' - set color' say ' ' say ' Usage:' say ' color [-gxout (contour|shaded|grfill)]' say ' [-kind kind]' say ' [-sample]' say ' [-div div]' say ' (-var variable | min max [int] | -levs lev1 lev2 ...)' say ' [-xcbar xcba-args]' say '' say ' -gxout : type of gxout' say ' -kind kind : color list, ' say ' or color name or rgb value connected with "->".' say ' e.g., blue->white->red, bluered,' say ' (200,100,100)->red->(0.0,0)' say ' You can specify number of color ' say ' between the two colors using -(n)-> :' say ' e.g. white-(0)->blue->red' say ' -sample : draw color sample' say ' -var variable : variable to draw' say ' -div div : when "int" is not specified,' say ' [min:max] is divided by "div" (default: 10)' say ' min max [int] : minimum and maximum values of the graphic' say ' -levs lev1 lev2 ... ' say ' : levels' say ' -ret : pretend to be script function.' say ' -xcbar xcbar-args: run xcbar.gs to draw color bar.' say ' xcbar.gs is necessary.' say '' say ' Note:' say ' [arg-name] : specify if needed' say ' (arg1 | arg2) : arg1 or arg2 must be specified' say ' This version is compatible with color.gs Ver 0.01 and after.' say '' say ' Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Chihiro Kodama' say ' Distributed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html)' say '' return